Be My Escape

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I just told Frank Iero that I love him and I'm terrified of what he'll say. 

I feel him remove his head from my shoulder and he looks into my eyes. I'm so scared of the way he will react. Should I have told him that? Yes, I should have. Maybe not. It's only been a week. He may freak out. But the angel said he did, and that heaven trusts him because of it. Yet, I'm a paranoid bitch, so there's that.

I'm looking into his beautiful eyes and all I can think about is how much I love him. Every aspect and inch of him. Every part of his soul and mind is absolutely spectacular. Maybe I'm completely out of my mind and maybe I'll regret saying it. But for right now, I know it's true. If it's not true tomorrow then that's that. But in this moment, right here and right now, I know I love him.

He looks to the ground, with his hands in my hair. My heart is beating faster, I'm pretty sure he can hear it. Looking back up at me, I see a smile form on his face. That smile that I fell in love with. My heart rate slows down a bit. That look appears on his face, the one I've been spending the past week trying to figuire out. It's an expression that I can't read.

I smile at him but I really want a response from him, because the silence is killing me. I watch him as he brings his face close to mine so that our lips are almost touching. I can feel his breath against my lips and all I want to do is kiss him. My hair is being messed with by his fingers and his lower half is still pressed to mine.

"I love you." I whisper to him again because he needs to know. "I'm in love with you." When I say that I can feel him smile against my lips. 

Say something.

He presses his lips against mine and I kiss him back but he pulls away. Our lips still touching though.

"I love you too." He whispers and those words rush through my veins. A smile grows on my face but he kisses it away. I give in but he pulls away. "I've loved you since the first time I saw you in that fucking Franz Ferdinand t-shirt." He whispers to me. I giggle at him and I feel him smile. "Love at first sight, sounds a little cheesy doesn't it?"

"Yeah." I say as I kiss him. He instantly kisses me back and I move my hands to his sides. I feel him start to push me a little so I move back and hit the wall. I accidentally bite his lip because of the pain still in my back from when Patrick flung me in my room. But I think this just turns Frank on because he picks me up so that his hips are nailing me to the wall and my legs wrap around him. I can already feel him get hard through his pants which just turns me on. Fuck. He takes notice and breaks away from my lips and goes down to my neck.

Oh my God.

This is great.


I can tell by the way he's sucking on my neck that it will leave a hicky but I don't care. Every time his lips touch my skin it sends shocks throughout my body. I put my hands in his hair and he stops kissing my neck. I look him in the eyes and he brings his face closer to mine. Our foreheads meet and I close my eyes. I can feel his breath against my lips and having him so close to me is a rush. I love him, I love him more than I thought was possible.

"So, dinner with your parents tonight?" He whispers to me and I'm caught off guard.

Interesting thing to be thinking about when you have me pinned against the wall with your hips but okay Frank.

I guess I'll just amswer him, "Yeah." He kisses me and I kiss him back, shaking the thought of my parents out of my head. I feel his hands under my shirt and they're cold but it feels good. I'm not even self conscious about him touching my stomach which is something new.

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