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Baekhyun feel like he was cornered mouse. His boss was here. What the hell was he doing in a place like this he thought.
" Chanyeolie meet my babies sweetheart darling and babes." Junmyeon said to Chanyeol while clinging to his arms.
"My babies this is my long time friend Chanyeol. I think my Chanyeolie is lonely that's why he needs some entertaining" he added.
Baekhyun can feel the chill to his bones by the way chanyeol stares at him. Lucky his face is hidden with mask and behind it was a heavy make up.
" Come on guy's give Chanyeolie a hug to make him more welcome." Junmyeon said.
They hug Chanyeol into a group hug which makes Chanyeol laugh out loud.
Chanyeol laughter makes His heart flutter more. His laugh is so deep and so genuine. He wants to laugh with him but he has to be careful not to reveal His identity to him.
Junmyeon pulled Chanyeol to the nearest seat and sit with him.
"Babes sit with Chanyeol. You two get out kaia VIP room five. Sehuna please tell Rob to bring drinks for babes and Chanyeolie."junmyeon said.
Unable to deny junmyeon Baekhyun sit beside Chanyeol. But he sit leaving a space between them earning him a wondering look from junmyeon.
" Chanyeolie dear babes here is the demure of them all so be patience with him ok."
"Never mind me Jhun. I'll take good care of babes here. I just want to know him more." Chanyeol said.
Baekhyun remain speechless with what's happening.
"Babes enjoy your time with Chanyeolie here ok. I'll leave you to." As he walks towards The Door Chanyeol starts to have conversations with him.
"Hi babes." He said
But before he can continue junmyeon turn around and say something to them.
" ahhh I almost forget Babes only stays until one thirty. And he can't tolerate alcohol. Please don't hold it against him." He said and he closed the door.
"So babes I guess I don't have enough time with you. It's okey I can do that." He said
"You have a very nice voice. Like an angel." He added
Baekhyun has no choice but to answer him. He just lower and make his voice softer.
" sorry to disappoint you Mr. Chanyeolie. It's just that my time is limited right now." Baekhyun said.
"It's okey babes. I going straight to the point t here. I want you. I'll pay you for your services you name the price I'll pay you." Chanyeol said almost begging him.
Baekhyun almost shout at him. How can Chanyeol say that to him the other day and now he say it again to him but as babes.
How easy it is to him to change His feeling. Amy said to him that Chanyeol is loyal but looking at him right now.
Baekhyun feelings are now in chaos. He was angry with Chanyeol wanting babes. He wants Chanyeol to want only Baekhyun himself.
" Hahaha." Babes laugh
" I'm sorry but I don't go out with costumer now. I have done that before and now I'm done with it." He said
" I can pay you a lot you know but I won't force you." Chanyeol said
"I know Mr. Chanyeolie. It's just that I'm starting to clean my lifestyle so I will be a contrast with what I want if I go out with you. Why don't you find someone. I can recommend you to someone who is good in bed." Babes said to him.
Chanyeol was angered by what babes said. It is so easy for him to get laid if he wants to. But he don't do it just to get laid. When he was younger He enjoy sex like everyone else. But as he gets older he want to have more emotional bond before he engaged in sexual pleasures.
" I don't think you understand me babes. I want you and not anyone else. I can wait you know. I'll just wait until you say yes. For now I'll settle for your company." He said.
"So you like EXO. I guess they are that famous. " Chanyeol said.
" of course they are famous" babes replied.
"I have been a fan of them since they debut."
" well we have the same tastes in music I guess we have more similarities."Chanyeol said.
As they start to talk Baekhyun realized that Chanyeol is a charming person. They talked about everything. At first He can feel the awkwardness and tension in the air. But Chanyeol make jokes and make him laugh. Baekhyun also make small comments on his jokes. It's like they have know each other for awhile.
Chanyeol on the other hand feel at ease with babes. He know that babes is a ticking time bomb. He reminds him of Baekhyun a lot. His body buil and smell of sweet Apples. But babes seem a lot friendlier and easy going than the other.
He wants to put his arm around babes to kiss him. But he restrains himself because he don't want any awkwardness again.
They made progress though they are now sitting closer than before. Sometimes babes forgets and put his hand on Chanyeol knees and started to play with his pants.
Chanyeol eyes almost drop when that happened but when he look at babes he looks like it's so normal for him doing it.
Babes was rubbing his thighs and Chanyeol reaction was pure lust. Babes doesn't know what he does to Chanyeol's body.
Chanyeol stands up abruptly and babes stopped talking.
" I think I have to go now" Chanyeol said " Jhun said that I have to let you go before two am. It's now one thirty am. I don't want to take too much of your time babes." He said
" I really enjoy talking to you Chanyeolie." Babes said.
" me too babes I want to get to know you better. I still want you. You know that right. I'll be back for you." He said
Babes was thinking about what he said.
"Chanyeolie I know you only want sex you can have it with anyone." Babes said to him
" Hahaha you remind me of someone Babes those sharp tongue of yours are really impressive. But someday I will have you." Chanyeol laugh.
" dream on Chanyeol." He said
As they said thier  goodbyes Chanyeol has this longing look on his eyes and Baekhyun tries his best to ignore his feelings to kiss Chanyeol. He has to be strong to fight  those  feelings.

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