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|Peter Hale|edited chapterSecrets

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|Peter Hale|
edited chapter

"How do you know? What'd she say?"

Andrea rushed frantically around the small room the paperwork stayed in, the clipboard she'd taken from Kate still laying on the counter. "She was telling me about Derek, he told her things a lot of things I assume, she looked way too smug to be left out of anything important. Not to mention, Peter she knew about my family, their names what they did, everything."

"It's Beacon Hills, small town, everyone's knows everything. What are you looking for?"

"This book, my father carried it anywhere and if he'd crossed paths with Kate, he'd write it down. Look in that cabinet over there." She pointed in a general direction near her desk, a file cabinet sitting tall against the wall. "I had a gun but I wasn't sure if she was going to try anything and it's not like I could just shoot her."

Peter stayed quiet though, the file cabinet before him opened. "Andrea, what the hell is this?"

Blue eyes looked towards him, her mouth dropping open when he pulled out a dufflebag filled with money. Underneath the bag, a hand pulled out a large gun, one so large it had a stand to hold it up. "Peter, I can explain."

"This isn't regular hunter material and where did you get all of this money?"

"My family kill supernatural creatures but it's nothing like hunters, I promise I'm not a hunter."

The older Hale slowly started to piece things together, his face morphing into one of disgust when he looked at the girl he was positive he was in love with. "Assassin."


"You really aren't a hunter, you're worse than they are. You kill people for money, a life means nothing more to you than cash in your pocket."

Andrea rushed forward to him, her hands gripping tightly into his sweatshirt, doing all she could to bring him closer to her. "It's not like that, Peter please. You have to let me explain."

He tried not to push her off of him but it was taking all he could not to throw up at the sight of the woman he was willing to give everything up for. "Then explain, explain to me how you justify killing innocent people."

"We're given orders, strict orders on who we are supposed to exterminate. It isn't a choice Peter, our benefactor calls the shots."

"Exterminate?" He spat at her, dropping the duffle bag like it was a poison, throwing the sniper rifle away from him, the heavy duty material skidding across the linoleum floors. "Us supernaturals aren't rodents that you just kill, we're people and we have feelings. We have families and we fall in love like the next person. Us supernaturals make mistakes and so does everyone else, but apparently not you. You're perfect, so much so that killing one of us isn't labeled as a murder but you're exterminating us, like you're doing some favor to society."

Andrea recoiled at the venom in his words and the hatred that swirled so clearly in his blue eyes, but they weren't blue right now. They were angry, his heart rate rising so much that they turned golden, his pupils dilated like a predator stalking his prey. Weeks ago it was cute, butterflies swarming in her stomach, not this time, this wasn't the same. He looked like he wanted to kill her where she stood. "That's not what I meant, you know that's not what I meant."

"Have you killed anyone here? Have you taken an innocent life from Beacon Hills."


Peter was gradually riling himself up more and more, his claws protruding sharp and pointy. "Do you even remember or are we supernaturals so expendable to you that you don't bother having the decency to lock their faces and names away in your mind."

"Only once, the werewolf that you thought the hunters killed. That was me, but it was different because he hurt someone and I was ordered to—I had to do my job."

"An arrow right through his throat, that's how you killed him. What sick person does that to someone?"

"Death of silence," She reveals, her head faced to the ground. At her sides, her hands shook violently as she tried to control herself and the tears that threatened to pass. "I only do what I'm told Peter, it's not for fun and I don't even like it."

Peter cut off her useless apologies with a loud growl, his fangs on display along with the other weapons he was armed with to get rid of people just like her. "Then you should've stopped, you should've said no."

"I can't just say no," Andrea resisted. "I am bound to this for the rest of my life, I'm not allowed to just stop or else I will be killed, my brother included. The benefactor has no tolerance for disobedience."

"I have no tolerance for liars, especially ones from someone I cared about. You could've told me and I would've helped get out of it before you had to resort in hurting people."

Andre smacked her hands against her thighs. "This wasn't even supposed to be about me in the first place, it was about Kate and Derek. She is dangerous and she could hurt him."

Peter gave her a dirty look, his werewolf features disappearing as his anger morphed into betrayal. "I guess that's a trait that you and her both share. Stay away from my family or I will kill you myself, I don't care what it does to the color of my eyes."

Without looking back at her pained expression, Peter Hale left Andrea all alone effectively breaking off any relationship that had formed.

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