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|Peter Hale|edited chapterFallen

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|Peter Hale|
edited chapter

Peter felt terrified when he heard the initial gunshot, that one deafening crackle in the night not ending, it was constant and made his heart spike with each firing. Something deep within his gut told him there was a problem, something was wrong and someone was hurt, his suspicions only answered when his enhanced senses picked up on the strong smell of blood.

He had been running away from the middle of the woods, following Andrea's words of caution but it was then that he paused before he could go a step further. Turning around, he cautiously dodged trees and tried to avoid being seen.

More gunshots rang out and soon Andrea fell to the ground in pain, her legs and arms filled with bullets, some were in her shoulder and abdomen preventing her from taking another step no matter how hard she tried. "Please," She begged, her fingers digging into the dirt. "Please stop."

"We had an agreement, Andrea. I was being easy with it too, I avoided headshots and your spine. Can't run if you're paralyzed."

Andrea's teeth gritted in disgust at the tone of Kate's voice, so carefree and unbothered by the pain she was causing to the people around her. "You're a sick woman."

"I'm doing what I was trained to do, eliminate threats and keep my family safe. It's a shame you can't understand that, this all could've been avoided." Kate looked over the blondes wounds, knowing full well that she wouldn't survive the damage done to her body. Stepping over the broken teenager, Kate Argent didn't even bother sparing her a second glance as she walked away. "Say hi to your father for me."

It was seconds after the huntress had left when Peter Hale skidded up to the body of the girl he swore he loved. "Andrea, no wake up."

"Peter, what are you doing here? You have to go to your family, you have to."

Her breathless words fell onto deaf ears as Peter grabbed her hand and tried to heal her, but she retracted it just as quickly as he took it. "You have to let me help you. Jesus, Andy I'm so sorry. I should've listened to you earlier, if I didn't walk away you'd be okay right now."

"You were angry," She whispered back, a gentle smile on her face as she breathed through the pain. "I forgive you, it's okay."

"It wasn't supposed to be like this," He rambled, shaky hands applying pressure to her wounds but he didn't have enough to get every single one. Blood was seeping out of her body faster than he was able to help her and gradually Peter began to feel more and more useless. She wasn't getting any better and he couldn't take her pain away forever without killing himself as well. "We were going to be together for so much longer, dating and getting married and having children. We were supposed to have more time."

She rested her bloodied hand over his own, her skin was going pale and her lips blue from the cold. Her body was fighting to keep her vital organs alive, it was using up all of her energy to keep her heart beating but she was slowly losing herself. "You will have so much more time and while I won't be there, you're family needs to be."


"You have to leave me, you need to save them before it's too late."

Peter's eyes watered, him blinking profusely in attempt to remain strong for her. "Please, don't leave me."

"I don't want to, but it's how it has to be." Andrea choked on her breath, her lungs beginning to give out from the blood loss. "I'm shaking."

"Me too."

"You have to leave," She urged one last time now more serious than before. "I'll be fine but you have to leave."

Her words finally penetrated his ears, his brain racing almost as quickly as his heart and he had to make the choice to leave Andrea to die alone or let his family fend for themselves against the hunters. "I'll come right back, okay? Just hold on and I'll come right back."

"Okay, I'll wait here. You have to go now, though before it's too late."

Peter leaned down and kissed her, ignoring the vile taste of her blood seeping past her lips. He tried to remember her face and her voice, even her smell before he stood fully. "I love you, Andrea."

"I know, I love you too. Now go."

Without protest he ran, running faster than he ever had. He pumped his legs so quickly he felt the agonizing burn in them before he finally caught sight of his home. The whole thing was engulfed in flames.

Not letting another moment pass by, Peter ran into the house ignoring the uncomfortable heat all around them. His enhanced hearing picked up on the sound of their screams, the coughs and wails of his family—human and supernatural crying for help. "Peter," A small voice choked out, Derek's limp body on the hardwood floor, in his arms a small Cora struggling to breath in his shirt.

Grabbing them up he rushed them out to safety, going back inside and finding the rest of his family locked in the basement, Laura Hale was shaking the metal bars ignoring the sweltering pain of the heated iron that was originally used to hold her family down on full moons.

Tonight wasn't like that, tonight their family was being burned alive and it was then that Peter regretted not being home as often as he'd like. Regretted hating his sister so much. "Peter, leave us." Talia coughed, the smoke in her lungs making it difficult to breathe. "Take care of them, please. You're all they have now."

Laura and Peter exchanged looks before regretfully leaving their family to ruins, feeling helpless and guilt for being the ones to survive. The duo ran out of the home, support beams falling from the ceiling and tarnishing the memories they'd made.

Peter hurried to the side of the house, the iron bars on the side had hands reaching out for them, and he leaned down to try and give them some sort of comfort until it all went to hell. A harsh blast went off, the whole home falling into pieces silencing the screams and also creating more.

Fire caught on Peter's clothes, the close proximity of the heat burning into his skin. The searing pain of the fire melting away his flesh was excruciating, bringing forth the loudest gut wrenching of screams from the man.

He wasn't sure how the fire had stopped or if he was even alive, but all he could think about while he was speaking gibberish from the pain. Then just before he passed out, he felt a tingling sensation behind his eyelids, the color of his eyes changing from their golden hues to a cold blue. "Andrea, I have to go back to Andrea."

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