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|Peter Hale|edited chapterCuriosity

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|Peter Hale|
edited chapter

"I thought you were going to stand me up," Peter Hale's first words were to the leggy blonde the moment she showed up at the parking lot of the cute little Coney Island at the edge of Beacon Hills.

Andrea gave him a smile, shutting her car door behind her, holding her keys on her pointer finger. "On the first date? Come on, Peter, how heartless do you think I am?"

"Heartless enough to wear those jeans and not expect me to comment on them."

"What do you have to say about them?"

Peter's striking blue eyes raked down her body slowly, making the teenager squirm slightly. He was staring at her like she was prey and this man before her was the most dangerous predator. "If I didn't respect you as much as I do, they wouldn't be on for much longer."

Andrea took in a sharp breath, her line of sight having to move away from Peter. "And here I was thinking you were a perfect gentleman."

"I am, but even a gentleman has to have a little bit of fun. Are you telling me you're more innocent that you let on?"

"Don't twist my words Peter Hale, I'm probably more experienced than you are."

Peter laughed loudly, one hand lifting up to rest over his chest. A few passerby's watched them silently, some musing how they were around one another while the more bitter people gave dirty looks at how loud they were being. "Don't tease me, Princess. If you keep talking like that I'll make you put your money where your mouth is."

Andrea picked their seats, a cute little booth by the window and close to the door given if anything were to happen they had an easy escape and she could people watch. "Tell me something about you that most people don't know."

"I don't like my sister," He finally answered after a minute. "For as long as I can remember Talia was always the center of attention, always the perfect child. I remember when I was ten, I had a birthday party and all my friends and family came, but Talia turned for the first time. My mom and dad left before they could even sing me happy birthday and left me alone for hours."

"That was her first time shifting? I thought that you only shifted when you got angry enough or when you feel like it, since you guys are born wolves not bitten ones."

Peter's hands busied themselves with the cheaply made menu's, its laminate flaking off at the edges, his fingers naturally being drawn to it and further picked it apart. "Usually that's how it does, but Talia was different, she can turn fully into a wolf. I was supposed to be the alpha, you know. It was my birthright but when she turned they decided that she was more equipped for the position and gave it to her instead."

Andrea couldn't take her azure eyes off of him, her long eyelashes coated in dark mascara. "Derek never told me that, I had no idea."

"Derek never told you because Derek doesn't even know."

Before she could find the words to respond to him and try to give him some sort of peace even if it was the slightest bit, the waitress walked up with a smile on her face. "What can I get for you both today?"

"I'd like the usual, please," Peter handed the menu over without even looking at it, the older woman scribbling down an order like she'd done it a million times before.

"Honey mustard grilled chicken wrap with no tomatoes."

The table stayed quiet even after the waitress left, the new revelation making Andrea scramble for words to change the subject. "My parents died," She quipped slowly, pulling the thin paper off the straw and submerging the plastic into her cold lemon water. "My father was doing a job and it got compromised and he had to choose between saving my mom or saving me and my brother."

"He saved you?"

"Yeah, he died a few weeks later and the doctors said he literally died of a broken heart. I've never seen anyone as in love as my parents were."

The Hale wasn't sure what to say, he felt bad for what had happened to her but he knew that no one wanted to hear sorry after the loss of a parent, the apology wasn't going to bring them back. "Who took you in?"

"My brother, he's four years older than me and when our parents died he was eighteen. He was finishing up his senior year in high school and then he was suddenly a parent in a way. I was only thirteen and he helped me all throughout high school, made me do my homework drove me to school everyday until I could myself. He's been there for me ever since I can remember."

"Kyle, right?" Andrea nodded at him. "I'm not a creep or anything, he called when Derek applied for his job and I'm assuming that's him."

She grinned, the mood lightened. "No, you're totally a creep. First it's finding out where I work and then, next thing I know you're going to be popping up in my room at all ungodly times of the night."

Peter rolled his eyes, his tongue running over his lips to wet them as he leaned back, the waitress putting their food in front of them and refilling their waters before leaving. "That just might happen actually."

"Why's that?" She questioned over a mouthful of her chicken wrap.

"Because you're going to be too busy convincing me that you aren't as innocent as you seem."

Chewing her food hastily, the blonde tried to hide her blush and regular her growing body temperature at his words. "You're still on that?"

"What can I say? You've piqued my curiosity."

"Curiosity killed the cat."

"In that case, I've got nine lives, I don't mind spending one of them on you."

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