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|Derek Hale|edited chapterAbandoned

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|Derek Hale|
edited chapter

Derek Hale knew loss, even at the ripe age of sixteen years old he knew what it was like to not have a family or have little. He knew what it felt like to not have anyone.

That's what he thought about as he sat in the uncomfortable chair near Peter Hale's hospital bed. "Firefighter went to the house," He whispered to the unconscious body before him dressed in a medical gown and wraps. There were burns all over his face and body from the fire. "It was too late of course, everyone was gone by time they got the fire under control."

Derek leaned over, elbows rested on the stiff mattress and tears helplessly made their way down his cheeks. "It's all my fault, she tried to tell me and I didn't listen to her. Now my whole family is dead and so is she."

In his comatose state, Peter couldn't answer his nephew, his body on rest mode and it tried to heal itself slowly. "I can't stop thinking about it, how Andrea and I finished off. I was so angry at her but all she was trying to do was help."

"They found her body too, you know? Marked her off on that long list of unsolved murders. That new deputy, Stilinski was on the case. I was questioned and so was Kyle, they can't pinpoint who it was but we all know Kate did it. She murdered my best friend and my family too."

"Kyle's a wreck by the way, wouldn't even talk to me when I stopped by the shop to apologize. He couldn't even look me in the eye. All he said was he knew that our family would be the reason why he lost her and he was right."

Derek sniffled loudly, trying to wipe his face from the salty tears and snot that was trailing down his cupid's bow. "I talked to the doctor earlier and she said that if I speak to you that you could probably hear me, hopefully at least. Laura refuses to come up and talk to you, she's mad that she couldn't do more to help. I am too."

"I just wanted to stop by one last time and tell you what was going on before we left. Laura is taking Cora and I somewhere else. We want to talk you along but the hospital says you're in too critical of conditions to be moved and doing so would cause too much stress on your body so, you're going to be staying here."

Derek leaned back, his legs spread out before his as he rested his arms on the chair rests, one hand on his face. Flashbacks of the fire, his mind reminding him of Kate stepping inside after her men had forced his family into the basement, large guns pointed at their heads. She had a sickening smile on her face the whole time, a smile he'd seen before on such different circumstances and it make him sick to think that he'd been with her. He defended her, he protected her and all she wanted was to kill him that whole time.

"I'll come back, I promise I will. But Laura thinks we need to leave and lay low for a while until everything dies down." The teen wolf scoffed at his word choice. "That was a crappy sentence but you know what I mean."

He stood, wiping his face one more time and taking a look at the uncle that was laying before him, the only other family he had left and he was just leaving him. It left a pit in his gut that he couldn't cover. "Thank you, for everything and I'm sorry I did this to you."

A few quick knocks sounded on the door before a woman with curly black hair stood in the open way. "I'm sorry but visiting hours are over."

"One more minute please."

She sighed and gave a nod before walking away and leaving the two in peace.

Derek reached into his back pocket pulling out a picture and resting it in Peter's injured hand. "Hang onto this, she'll make you feel better. She always did."

After that the teenage boy left, leaving Peter alone abandoned and silent.

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