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Impossible edited chapter|Andrea Miller|

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edited chapter
|Andrea Miller|

Secrets didn't make friends, they protected them, kept them safe from the dark depths that they hid themselves in. Holding a secret was like a full time job, one that no one was allowed to know that you had and while hiding can be fun at first, being on your guard all the time is draining.

"Andrea," A hand rested on her shoulder, the blonde jumping immediately, a deft hand gripping the wrist tightly and turning their body around giving her the upper hand. When she recognized the familiar tuft of brown hair and wide green eyes she hurriedly let him go.

"Derek, I'm sorry. You should know better than to sneak up on me."

His eyes stayed wide as he shook out his hand a bit, her grip was gnarly and if he wasn't a werewolf a nasty bruise would've formed. "I feel flattered that I even could sneak up on you, maybe you're losing your touch."

Blue eyes rolled, her shoulders relaxing but her heart was fighting to regulate itself. "In your dreams." Andrea looked around, confused as to why the teenage boy was at her house so early in the morning on a Saturday, usually he'd still be in bed. "Not that I don't mind, but why are you here?"

"My mom has pack business and I had to come up with a lie as to why I couldn't watch Cora."

"Maybe you should've," The blonde gently points out. "You've been really stressed lately, maybe hanging out with someone carefree like Cora would make you feel better."

Derek shook his head, leaning down to sit himself down on her porch. "I don't think so, she's fun for a while but she asks too many questions and I'm scared I'll get frustrated and hurt her."

"Come on, Der, you're shifting is a little out of wack but not so out of control that you'd hurt a six year old girl. Have some faith in yourself, besides Peter follows you around like a puppy, I doubt he'd let anything happen."

"Peter actually hasn't been doing that much anymore, but he has been asking a lot about you, I think he's got a crush."

A faint blush spread across Andrea's face, her blonde hair brushing forward to cover her reddened cheeks. "That's impossible, we've only had two conversations, that's ridiculous."

"I don't know, but what I do know is that when Peter finds something he likes he usually ends up getting it."

"As if I'd give it up so easily," She snorted. "He's attractive but he'd better bust out some pretty serious moves if he wants to be with me."

The young Hale shrugged, happy with the topic because it kept him mind away from everything else. "I think he could do it, you'd be cute together if you can look past the resting bitch faces and sarcastic comments every five seconds."

Andrea faked offense, playfully nudging the werewolf a bit causing the duo to start laughing. "Rude."

Derek's tone turned serious, all of his attention focused on the blonde beside him. "Seriously though, Peter really does like you so just give him a chance. I know he gets around sometimes but he doesn't chase and he's chasing you right now so just try, for me."

"I will, doesn't mean I won't make him run after me for a little bit."

"You wouldn't be you if you didn't." Suddenly realizing something missing, Derek's posture stiffened. "Where's Kyle? His car's in the driveway but I don't hear another heartbeat."

"Went for a run half-hour ago, he's been really taking a few hits at the shop with all the papers and bills, he's been running a lot to help with the stress."

Nodding along to her words, he twiddled his thumbs. "Does he know about me? About you?"

"He knows I'm weird and I'm like my mom but he doesn't know about werewolves and other supernatural stuff. My dad wanted to tell him a while back but Kyle seemed way to happy at college, he was making friends and doing well in sports, he'd be so disappointed if all that went to waste because of a couple legends."

"But they aren't legends."

"I know that, but he doesn't need to. If something happens I can protect my brother just fine."

"And the shop?"

Andrea leaned back, her elbows supporting her on the wooden steps. "I'm taking over the days that Kyle has school, I'll leave during free period to do that paperwork and help with the bills. I know my way around cars so we don't need as much staff as we had and I just have it covered okay, I can do this."

"You're taking on a lot on your own, I get you're older than me and everything but you ever needed something I can still help. I need a job anyway and I'm pretty decent with cars."

She almost denied him, flat out said no and told him that she was fine on her own but she saw no reason to. Derek could work with her and keep her company while simultaneously have something to distract him from Paige. "Yeah, sure. Obviously I'll have to talk to Kyle about it, but I don't see why not. We could make you're schedule around you're basketball games and practices and take it from there."

"This helps all three of us."


"Me working with you gives Peter more of an excuse to come see you, hide it by saying he's checking up on his nephew."

Andrea let out a laugh. "I guess I won't be able to stay away from you Hale's."

"Like you'd want to. Us Hale's are impossible to resist."

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