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|Peter Hale|edited chapterFalling

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|Peter Hale|
edited chapter

The act of falling is simple, a trip, a tug, a push all could resort in a fall. But falling in love was supposed to be harder, it was supposed to be a buildup, a rock climb with struggles and maybe even breaking a sweat to show how hard it would be, but Peter Hale found himself falling in love with Andrea Miller without any of that.

No, this wasn't like rock climbing it was easy, like putting on your shoes. He got so easily tied up in her smile, his stomach so easily erupted with the tingling feel of butterflies when her hand raised to rest on his shoulder. His fingers shook all too easily when she'd let one of her pretty blue eyes hide away behind the sultry wink of her lid.

Peter Hale didn't fall in love with Andrea Miller, he was tied in it. He was all too easily wrapped in her like the decorative paper used to cover a gift. It only took two months after their very first date for him to feel this way, all lovesick like a young boy.

"Why are you staring at me?" She innocently questioned the man, her blonde hair sprawled behind her as they laid in the grass together looking out at the city beneath them.

This was their favorite spot, the lookout point where they could see all of Beacon Hills and feel on top of it, like they were in control. But right now, even here, Peter didn't feel in control, he was wrapped around this girls pretty little finger and it showed. "Because you're beautiful and you deserve to be stared at."

Andrea blushed, pulling up a hand and covering her face to hide the crimson tinge of her cheeks. "Stop that."

"Why? You not a fan of the truth?"

"I never said that," She playfully glared at him, hastily fanning her hands over her face to cool her temperature. "I told you to stop because you're making me blush and I'd rather not look like a tomato in front of you."

Peter grinned at her, masking his nerves behind his faux cocky attitude that he figured was easy to see through. "I see," He teased. "You want to look good for me."

"So what if I do? I like you, aren't I supposed to care about how I look when I'm around you."

"No," Peter denied immediately, the single syllable passing without a single thought, the next words toppling out before his brain could even keep up. "You shouldn't care what you look like around me because you always look gorgeous. I have a confession to make."

Andrea's eyes widened slightly, her heart beginning to steadily beat faster in her chest, the thud pushing harder and harder against her ribcage as she readied herself for him. "Okay."

"I'm falling for you—actually no I'm not I'm tripping and stumbling, literally catapulting in love with you and call me crazy because it hasn't been very long but something woke inside me the moment I met you. No woman has ever made me feel a fraction of what you do and it's terrifying because I don't like being out of control. I like being the one that people depend on because that's how I feel needed and strong, but you, you make me feel strong and weak at the same damn time."

Andrea was stunned to silence, her mouth gaping open as she blinked furiously, her encephalon struggling to catch up even though her ears were hearing everything. "That doesn't sound good, the weak part, I don't want to make you feel weak."

"I do, I've never felt it before and here you are waltzing in and making me feel all these new things, emotions I never could've dreamed of having."


"I never thought you would come along, a strong woman who listened to me when I spoke or even was interested enough to ask me questions about my life."

Finally recovering from her humiliating word blank, the light haired female formed a sentence. "There must have been others before me, I can't believe they didn't ask you anything about yourself. I asked basic questions, simple ones that you read on the internet explorer page when you look things like that up."

"Not one girl," Peter admits woefully. "It was just sex, it was detracted and boring and I got nothing out of it."

"You were a bootycall."

He opened his mouth to reply but her joking words shut him up but pushed out a laugh instead. "I suppose so, yes, but what can I say my face is irresistible."

"Don't overdo yourself over there, your ego is big enough, inflate it anymore and you might not have enough room in your body to hold it anymore."

"I'm a werewolf, I can handle it."

That word, werewolf, the supernatural status that made Andrea's stomach churn in the worst of ways as she recalled her brother's conversation. She'd prayed for nights on end after that, terrified that the next text message would be the word declaring that she'd have to kill him and not only would she have to do her job, she'd have to hide it from her brother because she wasn't even supposed to be going on hunts.

"I understand what you were saying," She redirects herself, pushing her personal problems and lies on the back burner. "About the falling part and I kind of hate myself for it because I spoke too soon. Derek and I were talking about you a little while back and he was so sure that we were meant to be together, but I doubted it and I pushed it away and I'm happy it isn't like that anymore."


Andrea scooted closer to him, their thighs brushing together and hands intertwined, their breath mingled with one another as they stared deeply into one another's eyes. "I like you a lot, more than I recall ever liking someone before and I'm sure that if we stay together, in time I can see myself loving you and being with you for a very long time."

"I'll love you now as you like me and I'll love you later with however you feel about me then, but I beg of you Andrea Miller, let me be the man I am, not the one that town down there perceives me as."

She rested her hand on his cheek, a light stubble prickling her palm. "I like hearing you beg, that's a nice sound on you and as a nice woman of my word I promise that I won't listen to what they have to say about you because I know you are different than they think and I enjoy being the only one who sees that."

"Why's that?"

"Makes me feel special."

"You are."

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