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|Andrea Miller|edited chapterUnraveled

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|Andrea Miller|
edited chapter

"You can leave for the night," Kyle laid a gentle hand on the shoulder of Derek Hale, the tired teen wolf gratefully taking the offer and leaving.

Ten minutes passed, Andrea insisting she wasn't tired and was going to stay for a little while longer, but would close up, a black SUV pulled in. A tall blonde with cold blue eyes stepped forward. "I came a few weeks ago to get my tires changed."

"What's wrong with it now?"

"Brakes aren't working so well."

Andrea lifted the hood, watchful blue eyes skimming the parts until she found the one that would matter. "What the hell kind of terrain are you driving in, this whole cord is mangled."

"Rocky hills, I hike by the mountains."

"No, this isn't rock damaged, someone ripped the cord clean out. How the hell did you even manage to drive all the way out here without crashing?"

The blonde before her was clearly hiding something as she gave a fake look of concern, her more mature features pushing out to cringe. "Very carefully."

Andrea sighed at the answer, ushering the woman to follow her. "I need you to fill this out and sign the bottom."

"I didn't have to do this the first time," She answered skeptically taking the clipboard and black ink pen. A series of informational questions were on the sheet, name, phone number, email and such were presented in print.

"Someone should've, its how we verify that you made a payment on whatever work you had done. It's just legal papers, validates claims if something were to happen. You only have to fill out the top and I do the rest."

The woman was quick to scribble the information out, sliding the board back across the table to Andrea and she froze. Written clearly at the top of the paper was Kate Argent.

"There a problem?"

"No, just checking to make sure everything was done," She lied quickly, recovering the way she'd always been taught. "Do you need to call someone to get a ride, this won't be the fastest repair."

"You're last name is Miller? Like Alexander and Penelope Miller."

Andrea's attention was piqued now and she was more cautious than ever, her hand discretely sliding under the table behind her counter where she was standing and rested her grip against the gun stuck there. "Do I know you?"

Kate Argent gave a smile, one that was full of danger and pure deception. "You're father was an exceptional man, an amazing hunter."

"My father wasn't a hunter."

"Right," She crawled out, rolling her eyes at the mistake. "You guys preferred to call yourselves assassins, it's basically the same thing except you get paid. Hunters aren't quite the same."

"Hunters kill for fun, it isn't a job for them it's a recreational activity and it's insulting that you'd even compare the two yet you still haven't answered my question, do I know you?"

Kate's tongue kissed the back of her teeth, creating the taunting sound of a tsk. "Always straight to business, you're mother was the same way. No, you personally don't know me but I knew your family. Alexander trained my brother, Chris, drove our father mad."

Andrea pretended to be uninterested but that was the farthest from the truth, her parents weren't talked about much. Kyle hated talking about it and she didn't have much family that fully knew what had happened. "What do you want?"

"To get my brakes fixed, it's dangerous driving around at night looking the way I do and not being safe."

"Judging by the gun you have in your waistband proves that protecting yourself isn't exactly something you have a problem with. Maybe you should worry more about how a jail cell will be seeing as you're sleeping with a minor."

Kate's thinly plucked brows raised, the smile wasn't present anymore, but a smirk, one side quirked up as her devilish blues lowered. "You found out about that? You should really talk to your friend, so naïve, he could really use some guidance."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I thought werewolves were supposed to keep their secrets a secret. Poor little Derek was so eager to share his problems, all I needed was to lend him some sexual healing."

"You can't kill him, I thought hunters went by a code."

Kate Argent rolled her eyes at the reminder. "We hunt those who hunt us."

"Exactly, Derek an his family haven't done a thing so you can't hurt them."

"Why's that?"

"Because it's unethical and against the rules."

A loud laugh passed Kate's lips. "Do I look like the kind of woman who follows rules? I slept with a teenager, multiple times to get what I want."

"You're disgusting."

"Not what Derek said. Now, be a good little girl and fix my car for me and then I can go about on my merry way."

Now it was Andrea's turn to give a dirty look, scoffing loudly and resting her hands on her hips in defiance. "Not a chance in hell am I fixing anything that belongs to you."

"That's a good thing then, seeing as this isn't my car. It's brother dearest's, so you should have this fixed by the morning, I'd hate to see him upset." Giving a wink, Kate sauntered out the faint sound of an engine roaring to life reaching Andrea's ears before she disappeared in another car, one smaller and less bulky.

The moment she was out of sight, Andrea dialed Peter, the older wolf at her sides within minutes. "What happened?"

"Derek's stupid girlfriend, Peter she's a hunter."

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