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|Andrea Miller|edited chapterApproval

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|Andrea Miller|
edited chapter

A week had passed, the pretty blonde spending whatever time she had remaining at the car garage, Derek a door over carefully cleaning an engine and fixing pieces that needed help. "Andy, does Kyle know about Peter?"

"Why would it matter if Kyle knew about Peter?"

"Because he's been around everyday since I've gotten this job and I've seen him staring so I was thinking that either you told your big brother about the crush you have on my uncle or you haven't said anything and he just seems like a stalker."

Andrea jumped up, forgetting she was under the hood of her car causing a hard smash of her head and metal. A loud profanity passed her lips, her oil stained hands quickly covering her head as she tried to soothe the pain. "I do not like, Peter."

"I don't have to be a werewolf to hear the lie in that statement."

Rolling her azure eyes, she used a rag to wipe the grease off her hands to the best of her ability. "I barely even know him, Derek, how could I possibly like him?"

The teen wolf chuckled at her, using his enhanced strength to lift the freshly cleaned engine and gently set it in its place over the car, waiting for the blonde to get to work attaching to proper pieces that would keep it steady in its place. "You're attracted to him for some reason, probably because he's a Hale. We have the broody, mysterious gene that attracts the ladies."

"Okay, so, he's attractive, that doesn't mean I like him."

"Like who?" A voice quipped from behind them. Andrea looked back quickly, releasing a sigh when she realized it was only her brother and not Peter.

She shrugged him off, continuing her work under the hood of a car. "No one, why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be at school?"

"I could say the same for you."

"Free period," Andrea justified her departure from Beacon Hills High.

Kyle accepted her excuse, his forrest green eyes locking on the raven haired boy standing beside her, his muscles bulging as he kept a firm grip on the heavy car engine. "How the hell are you holding that, kid? It's at least a two hundred pounds."

"I play basketball, I'm in weight room a lot and I usually bench this much during practice."

"Bench, maybe, but you're deadlifting a two hundred pound engine without even breaking a sweat. What kind of anabolic steroids are you taking?"

Andrea answered for her friend, sending the comment over her shoulder. "He's a werewolf."

Kyle scoffed at her, rubbing his long fingers through his short hair. "Very funny, just make sure he gets back to class on time, I don't want his mom marching down here yelling at me because I'm keeping her son from his studies."

"She won't mind," Derek admits, finally being able to let go of the weight he was holding, the piece of equipment being held sturdily in the hood of the car. "She was thrilled I got a job in the first place, so thanks for that by the way."

"Don't thank me, I haven't been working out here for a couple weeks now, Andrea does all the hiring. If she trusts you enough to be under a hood of a car, then I trust you too." The older Miller checked the watch that rested on his wrist, his brows lifting as she read the time. "I should be going, do you want me to pick anything up for dinner?"

Without even looking at him, Andrea declined with a noise in the back of her throat. "No, I won't be home tonight anyway, I have plans with a friend."

"This friend doesn't happen to be a boy, does it?"
There was a silence in the hot air and Kyle groaned at his little sisters lack of response. "Please tell me it isn't a boy."

"It isn't a boy."

He was well aware that she was being a smart ass, it all showed in her tone but he know that if he pressed her further then she'd just close up like she always did. So, instead of prodding he simply pointed a finger at Derek. "You keep my baby sister safe, you hear? If I find out she got hurt on your watch I'll hang you by the anchor of my tow truck and drag you right off the lookout point."

Derek nodded immediately, his best friend laughing at his timid expression but she couldn't hear her brother's heartbeat, not a single skip to indicate a lie. "Yes, sir."

"Stay safe, kid."

"You too, old man."

Derek Hale waited patiently until Kyle Miller was fully out of earshot before facing Andrea. "You're brother is by far the most intimidating man I've ever met."

"He's really a teddy bear, besides he'd never actually drag you on his tow truck, it'd leave too much evidence."

"If that was supposed to be a joke, it wasn't funny."

A smile was still spread across her face as she started putting her tools away, grabbing the car keys to the piece of garbage that she had fixed up for a customer. "I thought it was hilarious."

After a swift turn of the keys in the ignition, it only took one sputter for the engine to purr to life, a sense of pride swelling up in her chest. "And since when did we have plans tonight?"

"We don't," She confessed, a small blush beginning to rise up on her cheeks. "Peter and I do."

Shock was expressed on Derek's young face. "But you said you didn't like him."

"Because I don't know him, usually people go on dates to get to know each other."

"About time, he really needed someone to get him to stop being so damn broody."

Andrea nudged Derek with her bare elbow. "Come on, Der-Bear, I thought mysterious and broody was the famous Hale gene that got you all the ladies."

Honestly, I've got no clue where I'm going with this book but I'm just going to bullshit it and pray for the best so give me some feedback. I've made it this far.

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