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Waitedited chapter|Andrea Miller|

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edited chapter
|Andrea Miller|

Andrea had always known the Hale's were cautious people, only allowing certain friends to come to their home that was uniquely placed in the middle of the woods. Something that the blonde had been neglected of until she'd met Peter was the random visits, like when he pulled her into the boys locker room before class started. "For future reference, don't sneak up on people like that, had I not have known it was you I could've easily broken you're nose."

"Nothing I can't handle, werewolf remember." He let her go, but they remained close to one another. "Speaking of which, I have to ask, how is it that you know if our family secret?"

"I was walking through the woods a few years back, saw Derek running around the woods with glowing eyes and fangs. He saw me and begged me not to tell anyone."

Peter looked a little hurt, knowing that Derek hadn't told him if the little altercation. "He never told me that."

"He was really scared, thought he'd get the family in trouble so he just asked to me be quiet and to make sure I would he started hanging out with me."

"How did you know you were safe? I'm not sure if I would've been able to keep my mouth shut if I'd seen a running wolf-boy."

Andrea gave a small smirk. "I guess I'm just really good at handling weird. It didn't bother me much, Derek was still Derek, he just had another side to him, we all do."

"What's yours?"

"Can't tell you, it's a secret." She teased, walking past him, her flowery scent following behind them.

"That's not fair," He followed behind her and he daringly grabbed her by her wrist, tugging her back to him. "Give me a hint."

Andrea looked away from him, thinking of a suitable enough hint to plant a seed without showing him the label all in one go. "You and I aren't as different as you think."

"Peter?" Derek called suddenly, the two separating as he walked into the room. He looked between the two with questioning eyes before just shaking it off. "What are you doing here?"

"He didn't know how I knew about you guys, your family goes through drastic measures to make sure you stay safe."

Green eyes rolled on their own accord, the teenager heading to his locker and grabbing a duffle bag from it. "I know."

Checking the time, Andrea back away from the two Hale boys. "I have to go, I'm supposed to be meeting up with Kyle later to help at the shop."


"Her brother," Derek filled in. "Her family owns the auto repair shop a few miles up, she has free period sixth hour so she just leaves an early to help out there."

Peter looked at the blonde impressed. "Not only is she beautiful, but a mechanic too? Woman after my heart."

With that same beautiful she bid them a two-fingered wave. "I'm a lady of many talents."

"How many?"

"It's a secret." Her heeled boots clacked as she left, her car keys jingling as it swung around on her ring finger. There was a shift in her after she'd met Peter, she wasn't sure how she felt about it. He was mysterious and cocky, a combination that was hard to work with in Beacon Hills but she liked projects and Peter Hale may be the biggest one yet.

Andrea parked outside the garage of the auto shop, nods already being thrown her way from workers as they saw her. "Any idea where Kyle is?" A finger was pointed towards the office, the door shut with the go away sign on display.

She walked to the door, opening it with ease, her brother sitting at the cheap desk that held mountains worth of paper, bills in on pile, customers in others. "I didn't hear your car pull in."

"Probably because you're so focused on the books. Do you need help filing them all?"

"Please," Kyle begged, his hands raised to run through his tresses. "I'm so exhausted Andy, I'm hanging on by a thread here. Dad left so much unfinished, so many unpaid bills."

She put her hand over his, her pretty blue eyes looking into his green set. "Go eat something, I can take care of this."

As soon as she was in the clear and by herself, Andrea pulled out a pair of keys, using them to open a cabinet hidden carefully behind a desk. Inside was a duffle bag, wads of cash neatly tucked inside. This wasn't her fathers secret, this was hers, a little something she'd kept to herself as for long as she could remember.

Her family was drowning and as the only woman left in the Miller name, she had to step up and do what she had to do. Even if that meant she had to have a side job, one that was a little more violent than most.

But sometimes people needed those secrets, that little piece of them that no one else knew about, Dare if someone crossed her, she'd know what to do. This secret was her weapon, it was all she had and she would do whatever it took to hold onto it.

Okay so obviously I'm going back through the book and editing it but it's a bit more serious than before. I'm literally changing everything about this book, so for those who read it before, first of all i'm sorry you had to read that. This one is going to be much better, thirteen year old me did a terrible job and I should've been stopped but everything will be put into place now. Stay tuned.

P.S. Jensen Ackles is going to be playing Kyle, Andrea's older brother.

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