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|Andrea Miller|edited chapterDanger

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|Andrea Miller|
edited chapter

The darkness made the woods more eerie, each sound heightened to be ten times more frightening that it would've been had the sun been shining, but this didn't phase Andrea, she didn't care about anything other than her goal.

The blonde was running through the woods, pushing branches and jumping over stumps as she ran as quickly as she could to the Hale house but she was stopped before she could get there.

From behind a tree, an arm shot out being used to harshly throw her to the ground, her speedy momentum going against her, making the fall much more painful. "What the hell?"

"Andrea, so nice to see you again. Such a shame though, I can't let you go any further."

"Kate," She all but growled, ignoring the stinging pain of blood dropping down her nose at the harsh impact of muscle to soft tissue and bone. "Are you following me?"

"Don't flatter yourself, sweetheart. You weren't on my list yet, but there is room and I like a challenge."

Andrea was angry, so thoroughly pissed off that all she saw was red when she looked at the huntress before her holding a large gun in her hands. "Why are you doing this? Everything was going fine and you just come around and ruin everything."

"Ouch," Kate placed a hand to her chest, a frown appearing on her face. "Are you calling me a home-wrecker because name-calling isn't very nice."

"Why are you here Kate?"

"I'm here to right a wrong and have a little bonfire while I'm at it."

Blood was staining her skin, sinking to her teeth and making her image seem more grotesque than she did when she ran out of the shop earlier. "Please, Kate. Don't hurt them, they're good people."

"People?" She shouts in disgust, three other hunters standing behind Andrea like she was an animal to be caged, ensuring that she didn't have a way out. "They're monsters, ticking time bomb simmering around this town like normal humans until the explode and hurt someone. They aren't people, they're abominations."

"You're wrong," Andrea stalled, trying to but the Hales some time to consider her words and hopefully get out of their house before Kate did whatever it was she pleased.

While Kate spoke, Andrea wasn't listening, she was subtly taking in her surroundings, where everyone was and any potential escape she could take. Trees were everywhere, filling the large expanse with their thick trunks and leaves, shed branches were littering the dirt ground and the darkness of this night would prove to be Andrea's cover that she took the moment Kate looked away from her.

Bolting right past her, Andrea threw her body into the dense woods, her legs zigzagging through them so the hunters wouldn't get a good read on her body for shooting, but they didn't care, gunshots flooded behind her, the metal pelted the dirt floor and tree trunks, one grazing her thigh but she kept going, her adrenaline masking they pain.

The distraction only worked for so long, Andrea looking back every once in a while to see if they were onto her and she ran into another body that nearly made her scream but a hand was over her mouth and it stayed that way until her brain recognized the face before her. "Peter? Oh God, Peter you have to leave, Kate and the other hunters are on their way to get me, you need to move your family to safety."

"Andrea, why would they be following you? What the hell happened to your face?"

Her hands frantically pushed the werewolf away, hiding his tall body behind trees as she tried to hide him when she heard the footsteps get closer and closer. "Please go, Peter. You need to save them. I'm so sorry."

"There she is," Kate sing-songed, slightly out of breath as she was lead further away from her destination but she wasn't as heavily protected this time, both of her men were gone. "We would've been good friends, Andrea I can feel it. So headstrong and willing to do whatever for the people you love. Such a shame your father died before he could teach you some sense on who you should associate yourself with."

"Burn in hell," Andrea spat at the huntress in return.

Kate laughed loudly, such hard laughs she threw her head back and shoulders shook
with glee. "The irony of your words are amazing."

"Irony? What are you talking about?"

The Argent stalked forward, her heeled boots crunching against the dry leaves and branches. "You told me to burn in hell, but I'm not the one who's going to be burning tonight."

It took her a moment, brows furrowed and nose crinkled with the intensity of the words spoken for her to finally get what Kate meant. "No, Kate you aren't. You're burning the house, no Kate you can't."

Before Andrea had a chance to run towards the home, she was roughly grabbed by the arm, the barrel of her gun pressed against her skull. "Don't move, if you make me run for your skinny little ass again, I will blow your brains all over this dirt floor."

"Do it," She steeled her head further into the gun, the barrel so tight on her head her skin ruffled as she moved. "You'll have to do it because those people are my family and they don't deserve this. You're murdering innocents."

"Not I," She denied, pointing to herself in the spot she was taking up. "I'm right here, so technically I didn't do it."

Andrea rolled her steely blue eyes. "You're aiding and abetting, you came up with the idea and you'll be a murder if you shoot me right now. Either way, you're hands are dirty."

"You know what, you're right. Let's make this interesting." Kate pulled the gun away, letting it rest comfortably in her hand at her sides. "If you make it to their home and get them out, then I'll let you live and I won't bother them anymore."

"What's the catch?"

Kate raised her gun again, pointing it right at the fellow blonde. "Target practice. Come on, Andrea go save your friends."

Bouncing on the balls of her feet, she contemplated the offer until she answered silently. Turning quickly, Andrea dashed towards the Hale home, the unmistakable sound of a gunshot going off before she felt the bullet in her arm, but she kept going and so did the bullets.

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