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|Andrea Miller|edited chapterBliss

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|Andrea Miller|
edited chapter

Andrea was happy, a permanent smile etched on the face of the teenage blonde. "Stop that," Derek grumbled below her, his oil covered hands digging itself further beneath the hood of a car.

"Fixing the car?"

"No, smiling. Stop smiling it's annoying."

She glanced down at him, his handsome face molded into one with hard features. His dark brows were furrowed, the lines between them crinkled at the strain. "Why are you so grumpy today? Get grounded again?"

"No, I didn't get grounded again and I'm not grumpy I'm just not in the mood to watch you smile all day and talk about how happy you are with Peter."

"I think I see what's going on here," Andrea stopped what she was doing, wiping her dirty hands and sitting down on a chair. "You're jealous because I'm not spending as much time with you as I used to."

Derek scoffed at her, ivy green eyes darting up at her with a glare. "Don't flatter yourself, this has nothing to do with you. Spend time with whoever you want, see if I care."

"Then what's wrong? You never act like this."

The younger Hale paused before answering, taking the time to inhale multiple deep breaths, an attempt to lower his heart rate so he didn't shift out and hurt the blonde in his anger. "My mom had a meeting the other night with her emissary and the other alphas and she was talking to Ennis."

"Ennis, the one who tried to turn Paige?"

"Yes, I didn't stick around long enough to figure out what they were saying but he's still in town. My mom told me that the second Paige was hurt, she demanded the alpha pack to leave Beacon Hills but they haven't yet."

Andrea leaned forward, elbows supporting her weight on her knees. "Why would they stick around? There's nothing left here."

"Why would it matter if something was here?"

"Think about it, they came here for recruits, they needed more people in their pack to make them stronger and there are many packs in California but these ones wouldn't be sticking around unless they believed that there was potential somewhere around here."

Derek shook his head, remembering little details that he'd caught onto. All around his home were werewolves and human family members that talked about werewolves. "My family are pretty close and my mom is the alpha of our pack, I overheard her talking to my dad the other night. Something about alphas going wild, killing their betas for power and she was worried it would attract the wrong attention."

"Wrong attention like other packs?"

He pursed his lips, the rhythmic sound of a wrench turning to tighten a bolt in the background of their conversation. "Like hunters, they've been pretty bad lately, killed one of the betas."

Andrea struggled to keep her heart rate calm, she didn't want Derek to catch onto the guilty expression on her face. That beta hadn't been killed by a hunter, he was her assignment and she'd done what she was told to do quietly. An arrow was launched through his throat, right through his vocal chord. It was a signature of sorts, a death of silence that made her feel that if she killed them that way they could never tell it was her because they could no longer talk.

"I don't care why they're here, honestly. I just want them to leave as soon as possible before I go crazy and kill them myself."

"Let's not do that," She soothed, getting up and resuming her work in the newer car beneath her. The owner was clearly a show off, his tires were dull and worn out from obvious skidding, he drove too fast. "Don't forget that they're alphas, big alphas with big packs and the more betas they have the more power they have and while you are strong, you aren't them. It'd be suicide."

"Then I'll get stronger," Derek declared with determination. "I'll get bigger and try harder, I'll get stronger and I'll get my revenge on them for what they did."

Andrea have him a tight-lipped smile, her heart swelling at the look in his eye and she was sure that he was telling the truth. One day, Derek Hale would get his revenge on the pack that was the cause of his pain. "I believe you."

"Peter will help me too, and killing another wolf makes you an alpha. We'd both be powerful, strong enough to take down the bad guys who hurt good people."

"You don't have to explain it to me, Der, I believe you."

Derek looked up at her thoughtfully. "Have you ever thought about getting turned? Being one of us?"

"No, it wouldn't work out."

"How do you know?"

Andrea bit her lip, thinking about how she could word her thoughts. "I don't like having to follow someone else's instructions, I do so now because I have to but if I became a werewolf I'd be an omega, a lone wolf."

"Omegas don't last long in their own, they either go crazy from loneliness or are killed by stronger packs just for fun."

She shrugged at him, not thinking too deeply on the subject, she didn't plan on becoming one and if it ever came to that point she knew the protocol that she'd have to take.

Had she been bitten, Kyle would be forced to kill her. No assassin is allowed to be a supernatural creature, simply because it counteracts against the whole cause. She was who she was because she wanted to feel in control against creatures who were handed power on a silver platter. The benefactor makes assassins to prove that you don't have to have glowing eyes and claws to be strong, you just have to be smarter than everyone else in the room.

And she was

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