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 |Andrea Miller|edited chapterConfessions

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|Andrea Miller|
edited chapter

She couldn't sleep for the rest of the night, her brain being completely entranced by the idea of Peter Hale. He was amazing in all senses of the word, he was polite the whole time and even though he was a little flirty, it was the perfect amount.

Peter was a dream, a gentleman that made sure she got home safely, not even asking for a goodnight kiss but he got one anyway. "Do I need to be buying condoms for you too?" Her older brother peeked his head into her bedroom, forrest green eyes focused solely on the look his baby sister held.

"Kyle!" She screeched in embarrassment, her face turning a bright pink at the suggestion.

He shrugged, a teasing smile pulling itself onto his handsome face, one large hand lifting up to run over his stubbled chin. "You don't think I'd just let you walk in this house at midnight, did you?"

"I have before, I thought you'd be sleeping."

"Come on, Squirt. I don't fall asleep until your home."

Andrea sat up in her bed, the plush duvet adjusting to her movement. "That was a very domestic thing to say for the supposed bachelor in college that has a new lady warming his bed every other day."

Kyle rolled his eyes, walking further into her room. The walls were painting a light blue, the cold, dark hardwood floors covered by a thick furry rug that sunk between his toes as he stepped in it. "Not anymore, I need a break after the last one."

"Pregnancy scare?"

"No, thank God. She's just so damn clingy, she called me for two weeks after and even got ahold of our work number."

The younger blonde sniggered at his story, the irritation in his voice pouring out with each word. "Maybe you should be buying the condoms for yourself then, seeing as I won't be needing them anytime soon."

"So, you're being safe?"

"Clearly, but it's not even because of that. Peter, he's known as the playboy, he gets around but today with me he was nothing like that. We had a conversation Kyle, not the boring small talk either, the interesting kind that makes you actually want to pay attention."

Her older brother listened wholeheartedly, his body relaxing at the pure bliss masking her pretty face. "You really like this one?"

"I think so."

Kyle's hands rubbed against the soft material of his plaid pajama bottoms. "Enough for me to meet him soon? I want to get to know this little rugrat that's stolen my little sisters heart."

"I think you'll like him, he's Derek's uncle."

"Another Hale? What is it with those damn men that's got you so smitten."

Andrea rolled her eyes at him, gently pushing his shoulder at his teasing. "Derek's just a friend."

"I know that, I'm just saying, you're involving yourself with werewolves, strong ones at that. The Hales have been around for centuries, their bloodline is very strong and they can be dangerous."

"So can I, our family history isn't as clean cut either."

"My point exactly," He stresses, his light brows lifting as his tone grew more serious as he tried to get his words through to her. "We're assassins, we kill people like them and we get paid a pretty penny to do so. If they were to find out, don't think that just because you're friends with a couple of them, that their alpha will just let you off the hook."

Andrea sagged a little at the rant, her cerulean irises downcast at the brutal truth slapped in her face. "Kyle, they won't find out."

"What if they do? What if our benefactor puts them on the list? We are in no place to refuse those orders. We either kill or be killed and we've been doing it for generations. All of that isn't going to be thrown away if you have to choose between us and them, right?"

"Are you telling me I can't be friends with them anymore?"

"I'm not saying that at all," He denied immediately. "I'm asking you that if you have to choose between killing them and saving us, would you?"

Andrea Miller fell silent, her heart pumping faster than usual at the question. She couldn't dream of hurting Derek how she'd hurt others, the mere thought of being the one to drive a sword through his throat making her gag reflex react. "I guess I'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

Kyle looked disappointed and did no show of hiding it. "Hopefully you make the right decision." He stood up and made his way out of her room, stopping at the arch of her door. "I already lost mom and dad, don't make me lose you too."

"You won't."

He stayed silent for a moment, tasting her two syllables around before giving a tense smile. "I still want to meet him though, I want to see him so I know who to kill when you come home crying."

"I won't come home crying," She promised him. "I don't cry over boys."

"I certainly hope not, we aren't anything special. Men are replaceable, but you, you're spectacular and I don't want to see a single tear fall down your face."

He was trying to lighten the mood and while their previous conversation was far from being forgotten, the tenderness of his words now were like a soothing balm over a harsh wound for the young teen. "You're a great brother, you know. Dad would've been really proud of the man you've become."

"I surely hope so."

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