Chapter 14: The Voice of a Snake

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When All is Lost One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 14: The Voice of a Snake

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

December 1992

He didn't wait for the idiot assigned as the teacher for Defense Against the Dark Arts before he entered the room and navigated his way through the students. Despite all the stress he'd been undergoing lately, today was starting to look up. Today, he'd have the opportunity to show the world, or at least the worshipping students, just how "amazing" Gilderoy Lockhart really was. The man was a shame to anyone that studied hard, worked hard, and taught at Hogwarts or any other magic academy around the world. Gilderoy was somewhat intelligent, according to his former professors, but his vanity and ego got in the way of him ever putting effort into something.

Dumbledore had revealed his suspicions about Lockhart's accomplishments, and he was inclined to believe they were accurate. Minerva had said it best when they learned of Lockhart's hiring, "What could be learned from such a vain, celebrity-hungry man?" Dumbledore had said plenty.

Maybe that "plenty" had been a stab at humour. The students would learn from him all right. Learn how not to be an egotistical eejit and what it can do to you if you take that path. They would slowly learn that Lockhart was not someone to look up to. They should forge their own paths and learn from mistakes of others, not exalt someone as the paradigm of what it meant to be a good wizard.

At least the powers that be at Mahoutokoro and Ilvermorny had the good sense to "politely decline" his offer to speak there. If they did he'd have little doubt he'd leave some student without bones, much like he had Potter, or unleash dangerous creatures on the classes without having any idea how to fight them.

He could've taught this class, had wanted to, but Dumbledore refused him the position. Dumbledore wouldn't tell him outright, but he could tell the man thought his resolution weak and was afraid that teaching this class would push him back toward his ways when he followed Voldemort.

He was snapped from his thoughts when the students cheered. He almost rolled his eyes when Lockhart climbed upon the runaway with the flourish of a model rather than a wizard about to duel. The sighs and shrieks of the female students turned his stomach. Naïve pubescent idiots.

When he heard his name, oddly cordial coming from Lockhart, he stepped upon the platform. He paid no attention to Lockhart's explanation of the duel and instead waited until they began. Both saluted as a courtesy and went to their positions.

They turned, both taking up dueling stance. Lockhart smirked. Seconds later he smashed into a wall. Snape had never been so satisfied with himself.

His eyes scanned the platform, and then fell on Lockhart as he was standing, babbling nonsense about letting him win. He growled and crossed his arms, watching as the fake hero started teaming people up to practise.

When he saw Potter it was like a beacon of light trying to show him an opportunity to make the boy pay for his unfair pardoning since he came to Hogwarts.

He took a step down and walked towards them, grabbing Malfoy's shoulder in the process without speaking a word. The boy went with him willingly. Today, Draco would be the karma teaching Potter humility.

When they stopped in front of Lockhart and the two inseparable friends, he had to push down a smile. Potter took a step closer to Weasley as if knowing what he had planned.

"Professor Lockhart," Snape said, "I think it's better if we pair him with Malfoy. It would be beneficial to the inter-house relationships and they match skill levels." He squeezed Draco's shoulder. "Weasley has a disastrous wand, and has less skill than Potter, and it would be far more beneficial to have someone near his skill level as his partner."

"Ah, excellent idea, Professor Snape," Lockhart said. "And who would you suggest we match Mister Weasley up with."

Snape looked at Weasley. "Mrs. Norris."

"That's Filch's cat."

"Yes," Snape said dryly, "and Weasley would still probably lose."

Weasley growled and muttered something under his breath that he couldn't make out.

"She's still petrified isn't she?" Lockhart said as if he were considering it.

"Where am I losing you?" Snape asked.

Draco laughed as Weasley and Potter glared at him.

Lockhart coughed. "Ah, let's handle that when we arrive at it, shall we? Mister Potter, Mister Malfoy, if you please," he said. "Begin dueling."

Snape paid no mind to who Weasley was paired with, but made sure it was not Granger, choosing to assign her to someone more befitting her skills. She looked oddly relieved when he directed her to someone as soon as he spotted the boy approaching her.

The dueling started and he was pleased when he saw that Draco set out to hurt Potter as much as he could. He went about checking the other students since Lockhart was more focused on bragging to a small gathering of students that he'd yet to assign partners to.

A scream echoed through the hall and he directed his gaze toward it. His mouth dropped open slightly but nothing else betrayed his shock.

Potter was luring a serpent. Speaking the same language the Dark Lord used when talking to Nagini. How could this be happening? Why was it happening?

The other students kept their gaze on Potter and the snake, their faces an ashen shade and their eyes wide. He recognized the snakes behavior as one ready to strike, but it calmed slightly when Potter spoke to it. He raised his wand and dismissed the spell.

The serpent disappeared in an instant but the fear did not.

If Potter spoke Parseltongue he might be the heir of Slytherin. But that made no sense. It was not Potter's style. Not when one of his friends was a muggleborn.

But again, the Dark Lord was a half-blood that lost his way and sought purity he didn't have.

He looked around the room at the other students, and though it made him feel a bit sickened, he felt a kinship with Potter. He knew those looks. He hated those looks. They still haunted him from time to time when his mental barrier to the past dropped.

"Go, Potter." He whispered the two words, but he knew the child had heard him since he ran away with this friends.

Potter was in even more dangerous territory and protecting him would be increasingly complex from now on.

AN: I think that Snape could perfectly emphasize with the situation of "hate looks" and "ostracism" because he lived it. He knew how it feels. And that, my dear lovelies, would be a key element. Hope you enjoyed and let me know what you think with a review. Until next week!

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