Chapter 18: Mark

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When All is Lost, One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 18: Mark

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

March 1995

After checking a label of one of his many bottles, he took note of the quantities missing. He was right. Ingredients used to make the polyjuice potion were gone. A set of gillyweed was missing as well.

And these ingredients were missing on a regular basis. Potter and his friends were the only culprits that he could think of. There was no other person with enough stupidity and courage to steal from him.

Someone knocked on his door, but before he could invite the person in, it opened. Moments later, someone called his name, his voice filled with nervousness.

At least the man had the decency to close the door this time and didn't spurt nonsense and worries in the middle of the corridors with students around. The man had been trying to talk to him for a while, and he'd been avoiding him.

He didn't need another worry. He didn't need to confirm what he already knew to be true. He'd had enough with watching Potter risk his life in those foolish challenges. Now his Dark Mark was becoming active and showed him a future he didn't want to come.

He'd have to go back to the Dark Lord, kneel at his feet, and explain what he'd done in the past years. He'd be tortured if the man wasn't pleased. He would be back to the days of even less sleep, and two lives he'd have to balance.

"Karkaroff." The man was in a slight panic. He was showing his mark freely in the office. "Hide that."

"Neither of us can deny what's happening, Severus. He . . . he is coming back. We should go. We should run. We are traitors and you know what he does with those." The accent became so thick on the man's tongue that it sounded like another language.

Severus had grown used to the risk. He'd been at risk since the day he'd decided to betray the Dark Lord, but Karkaroff didn't know what he was doing. The worst he'd have would be temporary torture.

"Do what you want to, Karkaroff, but I am not running. I have no reason to do so." He narrowed his eyes on his arm. "And do what I say. Cover that. You're putting a lot of people at risk."

The man repeated his previous words. "You can't deny the fact that he is coming back, Severus! That he is going to..." The words of the man died and his shoulders dropped. "There's no use talking to you." Karkaroff opened the door and froze.

Severus angled his head to see what had stopped the man. Potter was there.

Stupid Karkaroff and his lack of secrecy. It was surprising that he wasn't in Azkaban or dead.

How much did Potter hear? Why was he there? Was Potter trying to steal from him again? This could be the proof he needed without checking the boy's mind.

Karkaroff pushed past Potter and rushed down the hallway. From the look on Potter's face, he knew the boy had seen the mark.

How wonderful.

"Are you planning something again, Potter, or did you want to steal more of my ingredients?"

The boy's eyes moved to him, startled to find him there.

"N-no sir. Of course not. I was just...passing by."

His eyes bore into the boy's, trying to see something, trying to feel something more than a twist of emotions, but the contact was avoided sooner than desired.

"It's obvious you are doing something, so be a brave Gryffindor and do not lie to me." His last words came with a special emphasis as he slowed down and lowered his tone. "You are stealing from me. I know it's you. But your luck and your blasted invisibility cloak wouldn't save you from veritaserum. Does your brain know what it is, Potter?"

The boy shook his head. "A kind of juice, sir?"

"It's a potion that draws the truth from liars. One drop and even the Dark Lord would spill all his secrets if I wished to slip it into his cup." His voice lowered. "So imagine what a boy like you would reveal if you consumed it." He was pleased to see the boy swallow.

"I don't have anything to hide."

"Do you take me for a stupid man, Potter?" He took a step forward. "I know you are brewing polyjuice again and stealing from me. I'll find out why and make you pay for it. This time the Headmaster won't come to your rescue."

The boy's eyes narrowed with hate. The same hate that Lily had shown him. That James Potter had shown him. His teeth clenched and before he could stop himself, he slammed the door in the boy's face.

He couldn't stand those memories looking at him.

Not now.

Not when everything was crumbling down again and he was powerless in stopping it from happening.

AN: Hope you liked it! He isn't innocent at all, and his insecurities, his darkness... I wanted to be them present. With Moody around, the Dark Lord coming back... Our Severus is a mess. Well. Hope you liked it and see you on, July 15th. Until then, lots of huggles and thank you for your support.

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