Chapter 132: Interactions and Respects

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When All is Lost, One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 132: Interactions and Respects

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

January, 1999

The sounds of herbs being cut and potions brewing did little to distract him from the scroll he held in his hand. As expected, Miss Dutchess and Miss Bastel had used the moss, what wasn't expected was their use for it. He glanced at the small cask on his desk that they'd snuck to him. Wine. They'd turned all the small juice casks into wine with a few drops of their mixture.

And the scroll he held was how they did it down to the last detail. They'd done the assignment he asked for, but this was an added bonus.

Minerva had been the one to send them to detention, but he'd seen her chuckle, shrink one of the casks, and take it for herself. So, unlike his normal punishment of cleaning cauldrons, he had them making potions for the infirmary.

He looked up only when there was a knock at his door. He placed his paper down on his desk as the door opened. Bastel and Dutchess didn't glance up from their brewing.

Potter entered the room, followed by Hermione. "What can I do for the two of you?" he asked, formally since the other two students were present.

They both walked up to his desk. "Professor, sir, I'm sorry to interrupt but I...I..." Potter looked at Hermione who nodded, silently encouraging him to continue.

"Yes?" he prompted, trying not to sound annoyed.

"I wanted to talk to you, and considering today is a quiet day, I thought that it might be a good one." He stared at Potter for a full minute, letting the boy sweat under his dark stare. He heard a slight snort from Hermione.

"Very well, Potter. Let's go to my office. Miss Granger, watch over these two," he said.

"Yes, sir," she said and moved over to the table where Bastel and Dutchess were working. She started a conversation with them. "Just what did you two do?" she said as he and Potter entered his private office.

He closed the door and turned to the boy. He had his suspicions about the topic Potter wanted to discuss, and had been preparing for such a discussion for a while. He'd be lying if he said he was confident in what he was going to say.

"So, what is it you wanted to discuss?" he asked.

"First, I'm glad that Hermione has you. That you're protecting her back," Potter said. "I'm glad you're there for her in everything."

His lip's tension faded and he unfolded his hands behind his back. Did she tell Potter about their engagement? Well, no, she wouldn't have to tell him. He'd see the ring and put two and two together. "I don't believe I've ever said I cared about your approval, but since you are her best friend, she does care. I care for her well being, so I'm happy to hear what you've said."

Potter nodded. "I don't know if Hermione has told you, but Ron is being a problem. He doesn't know it's you. He's been saying weird things about finding out who she's with and interfering. I've tried to talk him out of it, but he's dead set on it. I thought you'd want to know just in case."

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