When All is Lost, One is Found
Author: Rinoaebastel
Chapter 50: Echoes
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.
AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.
December 1996
The wind blew around the area hard enough to move the trees and occasionally crack a branch, but not heavy enough to require staying indoors. The snow covered everything, even the paths frequently used by the students, and the coolness had iced over the lake where the giant squid resided. Like the mermaids, the cephalopod migrated to the bottom of the waters and slept until spring. It was a curious specimen indeed, but they weren't here, in front of the lake, to study the magical creatures that surrounded Hogwarts.
Severus took a deep breath, relishing the cool air in his throat. His black cloak moved profusely in the wind, making him appear more dangerous than ever in front of the students looking at him with watered eyes. They were suffering in the winter weather as much as he was enjoying it.
A gust of wind passed across them. He ignored the feeling of the cold cutting his uncovered skin and didn't refrain from making a cruel smirk when he saw some of his most annoying students, Potter included, shivering. He could even hear their teeth chattering
How he loved winter.
"You're probably asking yourselves why we're having a class out here, and are probably tempted to complain about it." He looked around them. Though there were a few looks of curiosity, the majority of students had their eyes narrowed at the winds whipping around them. "You aren't going to get to choose your surroundings during a real fight, so you need to learn to fight in all conditions. The only way you're going to be near a warm fire is if they're throwing your dead body on it."
He looked over them, and his eyes found Granger at the back of the group. She was paler than the others were, but only shivered every few seconds. The typical Gryffindor scarf covered her face, but she stood straight and didn't look nearly as weakened as the others did.
He moved his gaze away from her and looked at all the other students.
"Duel in pairs you have not dueled in before. This will be your final term test."
At this, his students groaned and his smirk returned. They should have expected that since they were a week away from Christmas holidays. He knew Granger was likely the only one who had expected it.
He watched the dueling pairs form, and made sure that no student kept their usual partner. They wouldn't be fighting the same person repeatedly in battle, unless there was some sort of stalemate or rivalry, so they needed the various dueling experience.
After approving most of the pairs, he looked at who Granger was paired with. Potter. He wanted to order a change but knew it was best he not. Both for her sake and for the sake of being impartial. He couldn't show her favoritism even though she was his favorite student. This was a bad choice, but he wondered if she chose him or he chose to duel her. She had managed to use some spells in the months, but she was far behind most in the class to the point the Longbottom was slightly more skilled than her now in dueling.
When All is Lost One is Found
FanfictionSeverus Snape lives his life in shadows with the goal of redemption and the specter of his demise at the forefront of his life. People he trusted always used him and gave up on him. He never thought someone would ever believe that he could be loved...