Chapter 28: Treading

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When All is Lost, One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 28: Treading

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

July 1996

The robes he hadn't used in decades felt more like weights on his shoulders rather than a simple fabric covering. The weight of what they meant made him walk a little heavier when no one was looking.

He looked down at what his fingers grasped. The worst part wasn't the robes, but the white mask that would hide his identity for the most part. Bronze patterns marked the outline of the holes for his eyes. The mouth had long bronze fangs that joined with the lower ones. He'd liked it when he was young, but now it was a symbol of dread.

With a small twist of his wrist, he turned the mask and lowered his face to cover himself as he closed his eyes. When he opened them, his vision was limited, and his breath was more noticeable to his ears.

He moved carefully, getting used to the new sensation. For a few seconds his vision blurred and his breathing increased. It was as if he couldn't get enough air. He was chained, he was paralyzed, he wanted to remove the mask and never put it back.

He needed to get out.

A hand hit his shoulder jerking him away from the feeling of panic he was experiencing.

"Well, well, this is like old times." He managed to distinguish the male voice but said nothing. "I hope you haven't lost your skill with the wand in your years of spying, Severus."

He pulled away from the hand.

"Don't get in my way, Avery. You won't like my curses." He threatened with finesse before walking towards the room where the rest of the higher Death Eaters were waiting. Maybe he'd "accidentally" hit him.

He entered the room. Everyone already wore their masks and robes, so it was almost impossible to know who was who unless you were part of their inner circle. At least he wouldn't have to deal with most of them. With the failure at the mystery department, there were some empty seats in the room; Lucius' seat was one of them.

The Dark Lord appeared in front of them and smiled briefly before vanishing.

The time had come.

People began disappearing after their master, one by one, following the hierarchy order of power they held. And then, after the seventh one, it was his turn to follow the Dark Lord.

When he found himself at his new location, the destruction had already begun. Muggle houses were on fire, and the Dark Lord was nowhere to be seen, but each Death Eater knew what their duty was. He had to act like one of them. Thankfully, he never showed enjoyment during things like this, so to show it now would be out of character. All he had to do was keep a neutral demeanor.

He forced himself to move through the people and raised his wand to aim at the bridge. He was going to be part of impeding Bones escape. He wished he could've avoided this and helped the woman instead. He waved his wand, the metal on the bridge bent, and part of the bridge that crossed the Thames easily collapsed into the water.

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