Chapter 1

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Tuesday, 11 am.

Finally a break from all this weirdness.
You stood up from the chair you were sitting in and started to walk towards the kitchen, Dr. Flug following shortly after you.

Your name is Y/N and your the lab assistant of Dr. Flug, a skinny young man who wore a paperbag over his head and googles on top of it, one of the smartest scientist you can think of.

Ever since you started working for Black hat Inc your life has been a bit different. There were a lot of changes and you ended up working for the most evil person in the whole universe, Black hat.

An odd name considering how diabolic he actually is... He's tall, he always wears a fancy looking suit, a monocle on his left eye, as well as some grey gloves and a black hat (how fitting).

He is the boss of the company you are working at. But the team does not only consist of you, Flug and Black hat, no there was this huge blue bear named 5.0.5, an adorable failed experiment of Dr Flug.

And there was Demencia a human-reptile-hybrid. She's not only black hats biggest fangirl but also the strangest one to have wandered into your pasture.

You've been working here for 3 months. You were searching for a job and a place to live and after you saw the commercial of Black hat Inc you immediately applied for the job as an lab Assistent.

After an interview with Black hat himself you got the job and moved into a small room of the big top-hat shaped mansion.

And here you were! You didn't really consider yourself as evil, but still, working for one of the most evil companies made you very proud.

"Y/n wait! We didn't ask Black hat for permission to take a break!"

"Come on Flug! It's only for 5 minutes! We'll just eat a little snack and then will get right back to the device we're working on!"

Flug sighed. "Alright, but only 5 minutes..."

5.0.5 just finished his masterpiece as you walked into the kitchen. A giant chocolate cake with chocolate frosting a strawberries on top.

You started to drool as you stared at it. It looked delicious! "Hey 5! May I have a piece? It looks so good!"

5.0.5, who loved the nick name you gave him, gave a big slice of cake to you and patted your head in an 'here you go' manner. You gave him a smile as you felt his warm paw ruffle your hair and thanked him.

As you looked over to Flug (he was currently messing with the coffeemachine) you started to giggle. "What's so funny?" You heard him ask.

"Well it's cute that the smartest guy I know can't even turn a simple machine on!"

"Yeah..well but- wait 'cute'?"

Oh gosh. He started to blush madly under his paper bag and you laughed even more! Yeah you did like him but not that way. It was fun to tease him and wait for his lovely reaction though.

Flug sat down, his eyes closed and an admitting expression settled on his face.

You suddenly heard a low growl from behind you. You immediately stopped laughing and turned around to see who it was.

Your gaze met with black hat's, who stood next to the kitchen counter. He's been watching you the whole time. His expression was dark.

"WHY aren't you working!?" His black eyes pierced your skin.

You got nervous and your face got red out of embarrassment.

"Sir,I-I'm sorry we just wanted to-" You cut Dr. Flug of.

"Well we just wanted to eat something" Flug gave you a look that screamed 'shut up or he'll kill us both' but you continued.

"we thought that we should take a break-."

"OH You thought!" Black hat started to yell at the two of you.

"How about YOU think of something I can sell! GET BACK to work Or....." an evil smirk appeared on his face "I will skin the both of you!" He started to growl again...

And with that he turned around and stomped out of the kitchen, you could still hear his diabolic laugh. It made you shiver.

Even though he was rude and selfish you still liked him. His greenish sharp teeth and his inhuman appearance were so interesting to you. He was always in charge, he always knew what to do, he was powerful, dominant,and had this deep voice that even made the walls shake. Well to be honest you had a crush on him, even when he tried to scare you, you still couldn't help but blush.

'But a demon like him would never show interest in a human as shy and caring as you' you thought.

"H-Hey lets get back to the lab! I'd really like to survive today" Flug stuttered and held his hand out to you.

You snapped out of your thoughts and nodded. "Yeah let's get back" you said and gave a small smile. You stood up and walked with Flug. You couldn't help but feel bad....

"Flug?" You averted eyecontact."Yeah what is it?" He calmly asked "I'm sorry, we only got yelled at because of me, you
were right but I thought we both needed to take break...especially you! You always do your best...I just want you to relax even if it's just for a few minutes...your my best friend..and you deserve the best...."You admitted shamefully.

Your head hung down as you stopped walking and stared at you feet. Flug then lifted your chin with his gloved finger.

"H-Hey it's ok, that's s-so nice of you, I appreciate your kind words y/n....if only black hat wasn't that awful...I know you like him but he is just so ughh...but forget about that.... let's finish the device!"

You gave a chuckle and nodded again.

"You're right! Let's go!"

And with that you and Dr. Flug headed down to the lab..little did you know someone was watching you in the dark as a devious smile crept on their face.

"Oh this will be fun~" the diabolic vioce whispered as their figure faded in the darkness of the hallway.

Hello lovely reader:) ! This was the first chapter! I'm sorry that my grammar isn't that good^^! I'm not a native English speaker. But anyways I hope you enjoyed this little chapter, have a nice day and I will see you in the next chapter (hopefully :) )
bye bye! -Nina

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