Chapter 4

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Thursday, 6 am

The sound of your alarm clock filled your ears, with an annoyed grunt you shifted to the left side of your bed to shut the loud object off. You rubbed your eyes slowly and stretched yourself. You got up and went into the bathroom.

Today's the day you thought as you walked up in front of the mirror. You started brushing your teeth and hair, you put on you favourite clothes and some make up. You looked great! You smiled at yourself.

You made your bed and tiedied room. But you couldn't help and some memorys from the day before came to your mind.

Flug kissed me...he kissed remembered last night...the kiss from blushed.......he really likes me doesn't he....ughh I don't know how to go on....shaking your head you left your room and walked downstairs into the kitchen.

You looked into the small room, Demencia and 5.0.5 were there......

But no Dr. Flug.....

"Gooooooooood morning y/n!" A happy voice greeted you.. it was Demencia she crawled down from a wall, sat down on a chair and took the jar with flies 5.0.5 gave to her. He turned around and waved his big paws at you.

"Mornin' guys" You said sleepy and took a seat next to the girl who was now enjoying her 'food'...your face turned into a disgusted grimace as you watched her eating the insects.

You finally turned your attention to 5 who stood in front of the oven. He made you every morning. You couldn't get enough of his cooking! 5.0.5 really is the best cook in the whole world you thought.

He turned around, gave a fork as well as a knife to you and handed you a plate with warm and steaming pancakes.

You liked you lips as you thanked the blue bear. He nodded happily and clapped his paws together...he looked so adorable. You loved his character so much. You took a piece of butter and let it melt on the hot food.

The first bite was so delicious that you couldn't stop eating and the whole plate was empty within 3 minutes. A silent burp escaped your mouth and you held your hand in front of your lips.

"Whoops sorry I didn't mean to belch" You said ashamed.

"Pffff- It wasn't even loud! Here let me try!" Demencia took a deep breath and a loud and long 'burp' was heard from her. It made the whole building shake.

There was silence.

And then the three of you bursted into laughter. You smashed you fist on the table, 5.0.5 made short grunts that sounded like laughing and Demencia held her stomach and wiped a tear from her eye.

Oh man...these guys are the funniest people you knew. You didn't get why they would work for Black hats organisation....they weren't evil at all...just goofy..

After some time all of you calmed down. You handed 5 the plate and the cutlery.

"Thanks again, my shift starts now, I'll see you guys later"

With that you left the kitchen, left Demencia and 5 alone and passed by the lab to check on flug. You didn't see him anywhere....

. . .

Alright it's 7:51 time to head to Bosses office. You sprinted up the stairs and walked down the long hallway, as you stopped  in front of black hats office door you could hear voices from the inside.

It sounded like Black hat was talking to someone...wait not was Flug! You gently pressed your ear on the wooden door to understand what they were talking about.

"I didn't think I would develop feelings for her...sir I think she likes me too" You heard Flug's muffled voice

"As if she would ever want someone like you Flug!!" Black hat snarled.

"Oh yeah? I kissed her yesterday! A-and I think she liked I think I have a good chance" Flug replied

"You THINK?? How PATHETIC you are! She's mine Flug, don't get in my way or" black hats voice sounded even deeper than before "you'll regret it"

"Let's see who wins her love first! I bet-" Flug yelled.

It was hard to understand what they were saying.

"WAIT, shut your mouth you idiot... I heard something at the door!" Black hats suspicious voice cut Flug of as the tall figure started to walk towards the door. You could hear his heavy footsteps as your eyes widened.

Your heart started to race...oh no he's gonna kill you if he catches you spying on him and Dr. Flug. You quickly ran and hid around a corner as you heard the heavy door creak open. You covered your mouth with both hands to prevent yourself from breathing to loud.

Black hat looked down both sides of the hall. He couldn't hear or see anyone so he shut the door with a loud thump.

Your body relaxed again. You waited for their conversation to end and after a few minutes Flug stepped out of the office closed the door and walked past you without even noticing your presence.

You hurried over to Black hats room. You knocked and after perceiving a "Come in" You entered the office.

Black hat stood at the giant red oval window and looked outside.

"Good morning sir" your smooth voice filled the room.

Black hat turned around, his expression even darker than normally....he had shadows under his eyes and he looked tiered and exhausted.

"Wow sir- you look bad....a-and I don't mean like a scary bad...more like a 'bad' bad...are you OK? You look like you haven't slept for days..."

"I'm fine." He was a bad lier. "Maybe you could help me to think of a new evil invention I can dear"

He imidiatly changed the subject and his cold frown turned into an evil smile.

With a smirk on his lips he sat down in his large leather seat.

Ohhhhh gosh...a small blush crept on your cheeks as he called you 'my dear'. You aproched the desk.

"Me?...I-I don't know...."

"Come on....Im sure you can think of know what? How about you sit down? Right here..."

You're boss patted his lap. You couldnt believe what you just heard. Your face was now completely red.

Your eyes widened in shock and you shook you head shyly.

"Sir that isn't very professional....maybe I should leave....." You felt his heavy look on your body

"SIT.IN.MY.LAP.NOW" His deep dominat voice commanded.

You did as you were told and hesitantly walked up to him as you carefully sat down on his lap. You didn't know what to do and there was an awkward silence that filled the room for a view minutes.

Then you were caught of guard.

Black hat suddenly grabbed your hair and pulled your head back roughly. You yelped in pain and placed your hands on his gloved claw. He held your hair with one hand,while he used the other one to tie your wrists together.

He smiled as he finished tieing you down and held you in place as he pulled out the mind controll device and placed it on your temple. Your breath hitched and your eyes filled with were scared..he hungrily eyed your face from the side.

"Now about you show me what you had in mind....."

Hey guys sorry for the wait but here the 4 chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading and as always I'll hopefully see you in the next chapter. Bye bye -Nina

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