Chapter 5

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Oh nooo

You couldn't move. You felt the cold metall of the device on the side of your flushed face. Your whole body started to quiver.

"I-I...I don't-" You stuttered.

"Shhhh, tell me, what do you want me to do with you? Shall I play with your body OR your mind~ hmm? Or-" black hat asked teasingly as Flug interrupted him. His yelling came from downstairs.

"SIR! WE NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE!" Flug sounded even more nervous than normally.

"Bloody hell, Flug, what is it now?" Black hat exclaimed annoyed

"Sir, a hero just entered our evil lair!"

"What? How?" Black hat stood up.

"I don't know! What are we supposed to do?"

The demon hesitated before answering

"Close the titanium doors, Dr. Mr. Hero came here and now we won't let him escape"

Black hats grip on you loosened and his evil grin grew even wider. He's slender figure walked towards the door as turned his head around completely to look at you. His neck snapped while his body still faced the door.

"Stay here, will you? We have a lot to do after I come back~" He turned and left you in his office.

Pffff yeah your still tied to the chair....its not like you are gonna go anywhere.....

You weren't able to do anything so you just could hear voices from downstairs. Three male voices and one female.

Demencia, Flug and 5.0.5 stood in the giant entrance hall. Black hat stood in front of them, the hero who entered the villa then spoke as he entered the front door and spotted the villains.

"Black hat! I finally found you! It's time for you and your entourage to pay for your actions!"

"Oh really? Hm what a shame I don't think I have any money on me right now....seems like I have to pay you another way" The slender demon said sarcastically.

How was the hero able to survive the security system? Flug thought as he pushed himself against 5.0.5s and Demencias warm bodies.

Screams were heard. Terrifying Screams. Black hat turned into something that no one has ever seen before.

His whole apereance changed into something so horrorfing and disturbing, that even Demencia got scared of her boss.

Black hats minions stood at one corner of the hall, cowardly looking at each other shaking in fear while watching their boss transforming into a being of pure evil.

His body grew, his claws his teeth and also his diabolic grin.

Black hats giant claws cought the flying hero. His long nails digging deep in the man's flesh. The intruder cried out in pain and tried to free himself. But he failed.

"Let go of me" the hero screamed.

Black hat then slowly got closer to the man's face.

"The bill is on me" the demon growled and used all his strength to rip the man into pieces. While the blood splashed into his face he laught like a maniac.

Red liquid and guts spilled everywhere as the hero whimpered and cried out one last time. Black hat went back to his normal size and looked at what he had done. The smell of death filled the whole mansion.

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