Chapter 3

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Alright, it's your last official day in the lab so better make it awesome.

You and Flug both headed back down to the lab after your meeting with black hat.

As Flug entered the room you hesitated but then followed him.

You stopped in the middle of the room to think back to all the cool inventions the two of you built.

You walked over to a shelf with some of your creations, the shrinking ray, the anti-gravity-device and some old blueprints you made for Flug.

"Alrighty, we have all the time in the world and it's you last day as MY assistant so....what do you wanna do?"
Flug asked while leaning back against a desk.

Eventhough you and Flug were best friends there was still something you didn't know about him.

"Well yeah there's one thing...I wanted to ask you something..if you don't mind me asking that is..." You walked over to Flug and after he moved a little to the side you sat down beside him.

"I-Its ok just ask me." he answered

"Er.....Um w-why do you wear a paperbag over your head?" You asked slowly.

"I-I...Um that's..a long..story" he said while scratching the back of his neck.

"I'm not busy right now..... so if you want, you can tell me..." You leaned forward and turned your head to the side to look at him.

"I- *sigh*alright if you insist"

You nodded your head.

"...when I was born in germany.. me and my mom wanted to fly to took us some time to get the money together...I was about 6 years when we booked a flight....Then we drove to the airport.... We got inside the plane and sat in our seats. During the flight we had a crash with another plane...I was the only one who survived the accident, with scars and burn marks that is....fortunately the plane crashed into a forest where I was found by someone..."

"Black hat?" your eyes widened

"Excatly, he took me with him and raised me...but I sometimes wonder what might had happened if he hadn't found me....would I be still alive? I doubt it....eventough he is abusive and aggressive..I still love him...we all do...some of us more....some of us less....haha"
he said laughing.

"I understand...but can I- see your face?"

You were almost afraid to didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

"I-I I'm not sure...." he stuttered

"Please, I'll be gentle"


He took your hand and carefully slid it under his paper bag on his face. You could feel his face, his SCARS.

You slowly lifted the mask from his head.

First it just revealed pale skin and red lips but the further you lifted it the more you could see, his freckles, the burmarks on his cheeks and a large scar, he had his eyes closed but opened them slowly.

You could finally see his mesmerizing green eyes, a few ginger hairstrains fell into his face and you gently pushed them aside.

You eyed his face and carefully placed you thumb on his scar and caressed it. You could feel the warm pulsing skin. He smiled awkwardly.

"Er...I think thats enough for today hehe"
he pulled the bag over his head again.

"Oh yeah sorry" you took a few steps back.


"How about we watch a movie...Maybe spongebob squarepants?" Flug suggested.

"You already know the answer" you smiled.

The two of you went into the living room and sat down to watch your favorite show.

Soon the room was filled with giggles and laughs.
You really enjoyed spending time with Flug,

but you would never tell anyone about him showing you his face.

It was going to be your little secret.

Then one of the older episodes came up. It was the episode where plankton controls spongebobs mind to get a krabbypatty.

It made you wonder...Demencia said black hat kept the mind control device....So is he really going to test in on you?

No he wouldn't do that now....or would he?

Flug noticed that something was on your mind.

"Hey everything alright? You look"

Flug handed you your favorite drink, you took a sip and placed it on a nearby table.

"Thanks....its just that I'm kinda nervous about tomorrow...what do you think are my chores as Bosses assistant?"

"Hm I don't know....some paperwork maybe? Or you'll have to clean something.....I have no idea"

"Ok....*yawn* ah I'm really tired....thanks for the awesome day *yawn* was great...I think I should go to bed now..I want to be fit for tomorrow..."

You stood up and stretched yourself...Flug look at you before mumbling a good night and something you didn't quite catch but you were to tiered to ask him about it.

You went upstairs to your room. You showered and changed in comfy clothes.

As you were about to lay down in your bed to sleep you heard a gentle knock on the door.

You looked at the clock it was 11:37 pm.

Oh come on I just want to sleep

You got up and opened the door slowly.

In front of you stood Flug..
"H-Hey ...I wanted to thank you again...and er I've got something for you...."

"Aw Flug thanks...what is it?"

Flug looked into your e/c eyes, he was not sure if he should do this...but he pulled you towards him gently...his arms and hands were shaking.

He lifted his paperbag and kissed your lips. They were warm and soft..the feeling was overwhelming..
It took you by surprise.

You didn't move, you just stood there...he noticed that you were uncomfortable and immediately apologized for the kiss...

he felt so stupid...he new you had feelings for black hat... but he just couldn't control himself.

He apologized again and again rambling about how stupid he was....

"I Flug I didn't know you felt about me that way...I-"

he was already gone before you could finish your sentence. He probably went to his lab.

You were still shocked.
Flug, your shy, awkward best friend just kissed you on the lips....

you were so confused....So many feelings inside of you....yes you liked Flug but you weren't sure if you liked him that much....then there were your feelings for black hat...

You closed the door, plopped on the bed and thought about the whole situation....How is Black hat gonna react if he really has feelings for you and finds out that you also like Flug?

Maybe a good night of sleep will help....

You closed you eyes....and everything went black.

Heya Guy's! Here is the 3 chapter...don't worry the conflict will be solved soon ;) ! I hope you enjoyed reading this and I will see you in the next chapter bye bye

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