Chapter 13

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Finally! Guys I'm so sorry it took so long for me to come back. But I graduated from school and now I finally have so time to write for you lovely people again. Everything is a little weird right now but don't worry. So let's pick up where we left off right?

Also I'm sorry if you find that this ending is not satisfying.
I'm really bad at writing stuff and this was my fist fanfic also not in my native language...I'm from germany. Reading this over  again was like the worst cringe ever because I found so many  typos XD. BUT I still hope you enjoy the last chapter:

!?The device was in Demencias room?!

How did she? What is happening here? How does this all add up?

Flug looked at you
"It can't be..."
"Did she steal it?"
"She must have!"
"But why? What's the purpose?"

The two of you thought for a while until-

"I think I know" you said widening you're eyes

"What? Why did she do it?" Flug questioned

"I'll explain it to you when we found her and the device. Come on let's go...."

Flug and you headed to the
2nd floor of the mansion where Demencias room could be easily spottet by the bright and vibrant coulors on the door. There were some drawing of her kissing and making out with BH.

Huh why doesnt this surprise me?

You looked at each other nervously
"Okey let's go in." Flug wispered reassuringly.

With Flug behind you, you turned the the doorknob and opened the door carefully.

Demencia doesn't like others to be in her room without permission except for Black hat of course.

The heavy wooden door that closed on its own was the only source of light. You and Flug got spooked for a sec but calmed down shortly after and searched for a lightswitch

First step...
"Demencia? Are you in here? I- we need to ask you something." You asked into the black abyss of the room.

Touching the wall you took a second step.....

"Dem? Did you take the mind control gun?" You asked again

Third step....

You were suddenly lauched in the air by an invisible force and pressed on the ground with a loud thud.

"Ow shi- fuck. What the hell is going on? Flug? Flug! Help me!"
You startet to look around in panic trying to spot the young scientist in the darkness of the room.


Suddenly two pairs off eyes started to glow.

The first ones were too familiar.... two different colours one glowing yellow and the other one shined black. Demencia

The second ones though. Glowing neon green. Who did they belong to?

"Thank you for your help Demencia let's get our Y/N in the lab"

"Alright you're the boss" you heard Dem growl.

"Flug is that you? This isn't funny come on dude let me down!" You screamed getting scared

"No I dont think I can do that Y/N" he sounded so confident? What happed to him.

"What? Why are you doing this? I thought we were friends?!

Yeah! Of fucking course now we're only friends again! But if you really want to know......

Dem and I didn't like to much what "activities" you did with Black hat.... you only needed us to get to HIM
You made fun of me...using me as one of your toys just like Black hat

It broke Demencias and my heart when she saw what the two of you were doing. You took BH and and then played me to only get back to the 'we're only friends' statement.

But don't worry well have the right punishment for you. We're the true villains after all. You'll regret your slutty decision."

Demencia tied you hands and legs together so you couldn't move.
You were dragged down the stairs into the lab and the heavy steel doors closed on you screaming and pleading for you life.

The lizardhybrid and the scientist strapped you to a cold metall chair using leather belts to tie you down. You screamed and kicked to no avail.

They took an old piece of cloth, stuffed it into your mouth to muffle your screams.

What the hell is happening? Someone help!

Flug left your side for a sec only tho come back with a big liquid filled syringe. The needle was already dripping with some of the green substance. Youre eyes widened.

"MHMMM!!!!! " you started to turn and cry.

"Look Flug shes crying! Pathetic" you heard Dem hiss.

"Shhh don't worry now It'll just hurt for a very long time...
Now Y/N let's get started~"

Flug took the syringe and rammed it into your chest. The pain was working its way through your body. The last thing you felt were tears running down your redened cheeks as darkness filled you head......

"AAAAHHHH" you woke up screaming grabbing you chest.

Daylight filled the room. You were laying in bed. What happened? What was that?
You looked around everthing seemed normal. But you were still in the masion.

Maybe this was your chance to star from the beginning?
To do it right this time?

There were several knocks on the door got your attention

"Y/N a-are you okey? I heard you scream?"

It was Flug
You didn't know what to say.....was this all just a dream?

"Erm yeah I'm fine" you lied getting up slowly

"Alright but you should better get ready now. Your first day at Black hat org. starts today and BH hates it when his employees are late." He sounded just as nervous as always.

"Okey I'll be the in a minute"

You quickly got ready and walked out of the room to see Flug standing in the hallway.

"Wow you don't look so good....nightmares already?" He asked giving you a light nudge.

"Hah yeah" you rubbed your arm

"Wanna talk about it" he asked tilting his head.

"Nah I think......

I think I'd rather keep that to myself...."

the end

Thank you all for reading this shitty story...You guys were so sweet and always had to say something funny or entertaining. I'm sorry but I really didnt remember how I wanted to end the story so this is it.

Thanks again and until next time! Bye bye!♡

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