Chapter 9

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Shout out to -AlienSpaceLover- who helped me with this chapter!


"HARDER! PLEASE!" You cried out while Black hat thrusted his cock into you as rough as he could.

How did you get into this situation? Well after Black Hats little confession the two of you started spending time together more ften. But everytime Flug, Demencia or 5.0.5 showed up he instantly treated you like his very own slave and even threatened you.

He only kept it secret for a few weeks until you finally changed his mind he told his minions what was going on between the two of you.

"I might be a heartless demon, but I can love too" was what he said that day.

One day Black hat let you work with Dr. Flug again. It made you so happy to finally be back at the lab..well at least for a few hours.

The two of you started working on a device that looked like sunglasses but was actually a x-ray device. You could look through walls with it. Black hat thought it would be perfect to spy on heros and other villains.

"Ughh it still doesn't work! I don't get it!" Flug exclaimed frustrated.

"Can I try it on please?" You said taking the glasses from the scientist.

As you put them onto your head your vision didn't change at all. 'Hm...'


"Y/N! COME TO MY OFFICE NOW!" You heard Black hat yell from his office to you.

"Y-Yes sir..." You answered quickly and told Flug that you'd be right back.

You went to your bosses office and entered the large room.

"You wanted to talk to me sir?" You asked silently closing the door behind youself.

"Ah yes, there you are my dear, come here. I have a new....'job' for you to do..." He said and patted his lap and you carefully took a seat. You grew nervous.

"What is it sir? You asked and startet to fidget with your hands

"I want you to suck my cock." He said seductively.

"SIR! I can't do that! What if someone sees us?" You 'wisper-shouted' and looked at him shocked.

"They won't see....only I will" He snarled at you.

He forced you onto you knees and pressed your head against his crotch. You wimpered as you felt his hot erection press against your flushed cheeks through his pants. He smiled down at you.

"Can you feel how hard you make me? I thought about you all day....but jerking myself off isn't enough. I need more. I need you"

He pulled his pants and underwear down and freed his throbing member....well members. There were three tentacles. Two smaller ones and a big one. Your eyes widened as you eyed his sex. Precum already dripping from the tip.

"Don't be shy my dear."

You didn't move you just stared. He noticed and grabbed your hair as he forced your face in front of

"Suck. It." He demanded in his dominat, deep voice.

You hesitantly wrapped your hand around the big tentacle and you started to stoke it.

You liked all the way up from his shaft to his tip. You sucked on it and trailed you tongue up and down his cock.

He moaned loudly, a deep growl escaped his lips and he shoved your head down so you could take his dick deeper into your mouth.

Villainous love Black hat x readerWhere stories live. Discover now