Chapter 8

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"Ah that felt great!"

You stepped out of the bathtube after a long and relaxed sigh left your lips.

You changed in your most comfortable clothes, brushed your teeth and hair and left the bathroom. You sat down on your bed and checked your social media. Nothing. Huh.

Well I guess tomorrow will be better day.

You wrapped the blanket around yourself and nuzzeled into your pillow, closing your eyes while slowly drifting off to sleep.

"Bloody hell!"
You looked into the dark office. The lights were dimmed.

"Ughh" You rubbed your eyes sleepily as you suddenly heard your boss.

"Y/n get here, now" Black hats voice sounded desparet and still bossy and commanding.

"I-" You rose you head just to greeted by the tall demon standing right in front of your smaller frame.

"I lo-" he couldn't finish his sentence.




"What the...?"

You jerked up from your bed and looked around slowly.

"This....was a dream....he didn't mean it..." You sadly wispered to yourself as you got ready for the day.

"Your going to work again. You are going to confront your boss and....*sigh* ...I'll see..I guess" You tried to encourage yourself.

You skipped breakfast and imidiatly went up to Black hats office. Okey. It's okey.

Taking one last deep breath you knocked on the door and slowly opened it.

"Good morning sir" Black hat sat at the old wooded desk that stood in the middle of the large room. He raised his brow at you.

"Your late " he simply said. Wow...nothing? He didn't even ask where you've been..the last few days.

"I know I'm sorry, and also I'm sorry for not showing for work...I.....didn't feel well." You lied as you closed the door behind you.

"I know...your lying to me" he moved from his chair and walked towards you.

"What? No I-?" You on the other hand took a few steps back.

"I know why you didn't show up for work" he said and stopped leaning down a little to look into your eyes.

"WHAT? But I haven't seen you in days? Who told you? How is that-"

Then it hit you. You eyes widened and filled with tears.

"You shapeshifted into 5.0.5....I knew something was different about him yesterday...." You chocked out.

You grew angry. You actually thought you could forgive him and pretend this whole thing never happened... but now.

"You asshole!  You fucking jerk!" You clenched your fist.

"I hate you!" You stormed towards him hitting his chest with your bare hands. Crying and screaming his name. How the hell could he just lie to you like that? He just doesn't get it! Why is he like this?

"I *sob* I fucking hate you so much"

He just stood there and took the beating. He looked down at you with no expression..You cried and slowed down a little before you finally stopped and leaned your head against his torso.

"Why are you doing this to me? And why after all this? Why do I still love you?"

"Because I love you too" he finally said something.

"I'm a villain y/n, I've never felt least not like that, and especially not towards a human. I've had many lovers but I never loved any of them...but your different. Your special. The way you talk makes me feel happy....a feeling that I didn't even think I was capable of. I thought if I treat you like a piece of shit that you would get away from me...and I wouldn't need to feel this way. I don't want you to get hurt. If any other villain found out about you and me, they would try to take you away from you understand?" He looked at you, like he really meant what he said.

You couldn't belief what you heard. You wrapped your arms around his slender abdomen and started to cry again while you nodded your head quickly. He hesitated, not wanting to make you uncomfortable, so he just placed his hands on your back and rubbed little circles on it. The two of you stayed like this until you calmed down...

Your hiccups slowed down as he carefully wiped a tear from your rosy cheek. His hand slid under your chin a lifted it slowly.

"I love you y/n" he placed his lips on yours gently. You closed your eyes as you kissed back. His lips were warm and soft and you could feel the butterflies in your belly.

For the longest of times you felt happy. The demon then pulled back slowly looking into your eyes. Even tough he wanted more  he just stayed like that. He really wanted this to be serious not just some kind of sex thing, no he really loved you, more than himself...and he absolutely adores himself.

You placed your fingers on your lips, still feeling the warmth the Black hat left there.

"Now get to work, your tasks are to clean the hallway and the my office" He said and shot you a smirk.

"Y-Yes sir" You stuttered and quickly walked towards the door.

"And sir? Thank you.." You looked at him, a warm smile on your soft lips. His heart or at least the the dark hole were his heart would normally be melted ....oh how he loved that smile of yours. He didn't change his calm expression though.

You closed the door slowly slid down on the wall. Your so in love! Ah so many feelings. He loves you! He actually loves you!

You felt so glad and relieved. You felt betrayed and angry at first but was totally overwhelming. It's amazing that just this one person...can do this to your moment hate and in the other one love. Pure love.....

You got up and went to the small storeroom at the end of the hallway. It's time for work now....

You smiled.

"I love you y/n"

You could still hear these words.

Heya guys! Sorry for letting you wait so long I'm just reaaalllyyy busy at the moment. I tried my best though!

I have a question for you guys. Would you like me to write another book? Maybe a flug x reader or something? Many people already asked me to but I'm not quite sure? Tell me what you think!

Thank you and as always I'll see you in the next chapter!

Bye bye                                               

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