Chapter 2

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Wednesday, 7 am

You woke up to a strange sound coming from Black hats office.

did Flug already show Black hat the mindcontrolling device you two finished yesterday?


You flinched at the sound of Black hats raspy voice, his british accent making it sound so broken and mad.
As you heard a door slam open, a whimper and footsteps you opened the door to your bedroom to reveal a panting and injured Flug laying on the floor.

"Oh my gosh! Flug! What happened?"
You asked concerned as you helped him up.

"I-Its Black hat....he's not happy with our finished project...."

"What do you mean? Why didn't you wait for me? We should have shown him the device together! It's OUR project, isnt it?"
You asked confused.

"I know but I didn't want you to get involved in an argument, if boss didn't like the product....I just don't want him to yell or even hurt you I-"

"WHAT are you still doing out here? Get back to the lab OR ELSE Flug" Black hat's tall dark figure appeared next to you, threatening Flug. The complete hallway went black that instant and could here a dark undertone in his voice.

He eyed the both of you before he snapped his head from Flug's to your direction.

His annoyed frown turned into a dark smile as his gaze met with yours.
He consumed the colour of your eyes as you took a few steps back, feeling uncomfortable with his look on you.

"As for you l/n (last name), I want you in my office in half an hour!" "But sir-" " HALF AN HOUR! NO 'BUT'S'!"
You sighed. This is gonna be bad

The tall demon vanished once again as you shot Flug a look.
"Oh man, he likes you" flug said.
Your eyes widened "WHAT?!"
You your body stiffened and you blushed.

"Well he only gets angry at me and the others but never at you....he always looks so different around you, even more confident, seems like he's really got something for you"

You shook your head
"Flug, come on stop messing with me, he's Black hat! I mean THE BLACK HAT! The biggest villain ever! He's a demon! If not the devil himself! He could never love a human!"

"Well I guess your lucky then." Flug answered with a smirk.

"Better get ready for your date" he said teasingly.

"Stop it!"
You looked like a tomato as you went back inside your room and left flug alone to get ready for your 'meeting' with your boss. You lay down and let your thoughts wander. What if it's  really a date? No he just wants to talk with me, calm down! You got this. You thought

30 minutes past quickly.

You went down the hallway and stopped in front of Black hats office. You wanted to knock when you suddenly heard a hiss from behind you. You spun around only to be greeted by Demencia.

"Yoo y/n how are ya doin'? Goin' to black hat? Do you guys have a meeting or something"

She talked so fast, it took you a few seconds to get what she just said.

"Er yeah he wanted to talk to me... I think..."

"Ooooooo MAYBE he wants to test that thing you and flug built on you!"

"Wait- What? But Flug told me boss hated it!"
"Yeah but he kept it anyways, I heard him mumble something about a second test~ maybe he has plans with you~hehe ohhhhh I'm jealous!" Demencia stuck her tongue out and giggled

"Alright I'm not going in there!" You said as you were about to walk away as quickly as you could.

"To late~" 

Demencia opened the door, she grabbed you by the waist, pushed you inside the room and immediately closed the door behind you.
Your body stiffened, eyes closed, holding your breath, not daring to move.

"L/n~ Take a seat."

You opened one eye to see your boss sitting on his wooden desk, his hands folded, a smile on his lips.

"Sorry Sir, Demencia pushed me in I wanted to knock but-"

You bursted out but the demon cut you off

"Enough- it's fine.. I need to ask you something y/n.  how am I supposed to say this~ I want you"


You couldn't move, couldn't speak, couldn't breath, you started to blush and your entire body stiffened again.

"W-what?" your voice was so quiet, that it almost wasn't heard.

"I want be my new assistant " black hat answered.

You swear you felt your soul leaving it's host.

You calmed down a bit, still red. You took a deep breath.

"But sir..Dr. Flug really needs my help, he's so stressed, he would need a break..."

"I don't care what he needs, I want you to be my new assistant, you start tomorrow" Black hat's tone went from teasing to annoyed.

"S-sir I"

You tried to change his mind. You couldn't tell Flug that you'll work as black hats assistant now....that would mean he would need to do all the work alone, it would drive him insane!

"Thank you, you can leave now" His hand gestured to the door.

You stood up and left the office feeling Black hats heavy look  you as you closed the door behind you.

How am I supposed to tell Flug.
He's my best friend...this could ruin our friendship
you wispered to yourself, but not silent enough because Flug heard you as he walked up the stairs to see if your little talk with black hat was already over.

"What would ruin our friendship?" He asked concerned.

"Flug!I-I...." stuttering you turned to the side.

"I-I'm sorry...Black hat wants me "
You looked away

"To?" Flug tried to make eye contact.
You took a deep breath yet again

"To be his new assistant " You chocked out.

"oh-....oh hey that's great! At least one of us gets the chance to survive!"
He said with a wink as he punched your shoulder playfully.

You were glad he wasn't mad but his voice sounded pained and disappointed.

Then an Idea came to your mind

"I got it! When my shift as 'Bosse's assistant' is over, I'll come  down to the lab and help with your new inventions! How's about that?" You suggested.

"Wow are you sure I don't want you to stress yourself, you aren't supposed to end up like me!" He said with a chuckle.

"Yeah I'm sure! If it's to much I'll tell you!" You gave him a warm smile.

"Pinkie promise?"

He held his pinkie finger out and you wrapped your finger around his'.

"Pinkie promise!" You said as you hugged him.

HEY Guys!
Sorry for the wait but here's the second chapter....I tried but I didn't turn out that good...anyway I hope you have a nice day and thank you for reading<3 bye bye    -Nina

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