Chapter 11

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What the hell?

Your head ached. What happened?

You rubbed your eyes sleepily as you started to taste something. A salty, yet bitter aftertaste in your mouth. Weird...

You looked around. Where were you? You seemed to be in your room. How did you get here?

You weren't able to remember anything from the day before. You turned around, staring at the big clock on the wall next to your bed. 09:34 am.

It was Saturday so that meant you wouldn't have to get up. You could just lay in bed all day and chill....maybe even watch a movie....

"Nah I would need to get up anyway..well at least sooner or later..."

You rolled to the side, got up, and stretched your muscles. You could feel your bones pop, what a satisfying feeling.

Washing your face, brushing your hair and teeth, you did your daily routine. Cleaning your room, and picking up things that lay on the ground, you tried to remember what actually happened to you the day before.

You were in Black hats office and he-oh.....

You blushed. You remembered now. The way he touched you felt your core heat up. No....not now.

Let's just eat something first. You can't think about sexy times with you boss with an empty stomach.

"I-....need to eat something" you mumbled to yourself and made your way into the kitchen.

"G-good morning Y/n"

You turned around and greeted the young scientist. He sat on the large table, a mug in his left and a newspaper in right hand.

"Good morning docter" you smiled and took a seat next to him.

"Is anyone else up?" You asked while you snached the mug from Flug and took a sip.

You poured some cornflakes and milk into a bowl and started eating your breakfast while Flug explained.

"W-well, n-no I'm the only one up. Demencia and 5.0.5 are still asleep and Black hat just left a few minutes ago to attend to a business meeting with an old friend.

"Friend? Black hat has friends?" You joked around and punched Flug's shoulder playfully as you swallowed the rest of your meal. You could feel him smile.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked after calming his laughter down a bit.

"Sure what is it?" You said, pushing the empty bowl aside.

"Did-...did yesterday mean something to you?" He rubbed the back of his neck.

You shot him a questioning look.
"What do you mean?"

You were really confused.

"You know....'when you...helped me out'" he said embarrassed.

Thanks flashback hit you.
Oh no..  what THE HELL HAD GOTTEN INTO YOU??????? How? Why?

"I-I don' I" you stammered out.

Dr. Flug gave you a confused face.

"Oh I get it...." He mumbled sadly.

"N-no!  That's not what I meant! I just- I actually couldn't remember anything from yesterday, at least not before you asked me about it...I don't know what had gotten into me...." You could not believe it.

Why did you do that?

"Oh..." Flug replied. "I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that you were not yourself."

"Why did I-!? I'm way to shy to actually do something like that...."
You  placed your hand on your forehead to check your temperature.

Maybe this was just fever or a dream! Yeah a dream! A-and you were going to wake up right now!  ...........  ?

"Flug I'm sorry I-" You got up from your chair and walked past him. "I need to use the bathroom"


You looked at yourself. The mirror reflected your red face.

You felt hot, it was no fever was pure embarrassment.

You touched your cheeks. Hot. Everything was hot.

Every thought about the day before made you shiver.

You leaned against the bathroom sink, shifting your weight forward to get a better look of your face. You stared into your
e/c eyes. Why? Why is this all happening to you? How could you fall for a demon? Why did you do this to poor Flug?

How- wait......the colour drained from your face. You hurried to the door and opened it.

"Flug?" You yelled down the stairs to get the scientist's attention.

"Y-Yes? " He shouted back.

"Is the mind control device still in black hats office? You know, the one we built together?"

"Y-yes! He said he wanted to keep it for....wait! Do you think it has something to do with-" You cut flug off as you entered the kitchen again. He looked at you.

"Flug? I need you to do me a favour....we need to get into Black hat's office....I need to find the device"

Hey guys! I apologise for the lack of updates. But I'm back with the next chapter! I hope you enjoyed it! As always thank you for reading and I'll see you guys in the  next chapter Bye bye                                                                                            -Nina

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