Chapter 12

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Flug nodded. The two of you tiptoed upstairs. You opened the door to Black hats office and walked inside.

"Are you sure Black hat isn't home?" You wispered

"Absolutely, he is attending to a business meeting today. He won't be home any time soon." He assured you.

"Good....I don't want him to find out about us being in his office without his permission."

"So.....why are we here again? You said you needed to get something...."

"Yeah....we need to get the device the two of us built together flug.....I think black hat used it to manipulate my mind....." You explained

"Y/n dont you think that's weird? Black hat actually loves you....why would he make you do something me a bl-" You cut him off.

"I DON'T KNOW! Uhg .....maybe it's a part of is sick, sadistic phantasies? I have no idea.....but we need to find it." The thought about what you and flug did made you blush. Shaking your head you tried to get you out of your day dreaming.

You opened all drawers, checked every shelf and looked everywhere. Flug did the same. You couldn't find anything.

"I don't get it.....he...." You said unbelieving.

"FLUG! Where the hell are you! Come here this instant or you are fired! Literally!" Black hats raspy voice was heard from the lobby.

"I thought you said he won't be home any time soon!?" You wispered shouted as you shot Flug a glare.

"Well oops....." He shrugged his shoulders and started to sweat.

"FLUG!" Black hats voice roared through the whole mansion.

"C-coming sir!" Flug yelled nervously.

While he hurried downstairs to his boss you left the office. This made you think.....If black hat didn't have the device....he couldn't have used on you....but.....who else-

"Heya!" Demencia appeared in front of you her head dangling from the ceiling.


This made you jump and you actually fell down.

"Gotcha...hahaha woops sorry, hehe. Are you okay?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

"I'm alright...what are you doing up here? I thought you weren't allowed to get near Black hats office?" You got up and rubbed your head.

"Well duhhh.....I'm half lizard....I can crawl on walls and no one ever notices me.....not even Black hat. I'm always watching him." She said, drooling by the thought of the demon.

"Woah okay to much can I ask you something? I'm searching for a device. It looks like a gun and you can control someone else's mind with it. Have you seen it?" You asked in a serious tone.

"Err noo I haven't. I need to go now bye." She answered quickly.

"Ok thank......" you looked around."...god" She was already gone.

You went downstairs only to see black hat and flug. Your boss was tapping his foot impatiently until he caught your glimpse.

"Hello sir. Back from your meeting I see! How did it go" You greeted him

"L/n come here for a second. I talked to an old friend of mine. His name is lucifer. We had a conversation about my business and he had demonic idea. I need you two to build a new needs to be ready in 4 hours. After you finished the product you will come to my office and we will make a video where we show the device to other villains."

"Sure! What do you want us to built?" You exclaimed, excited to finally be working with Flug again.

"A robotic clone of me! So evil and villanous! It should be able to shoot fire from its mouth and I want it to have razor sharp teeth. Giant claws and red glowing eyes. Y/n I want you to help doctor flug with this invention. Understood?"

"Y-yes of course we will get to work right away!" Flug stutterd


Black hat walked upstairs while the two of you entered the lab.

Okay let's get started.

You drew a blueprint of the robot and discussed the drawing with doctor Flug.

Flug connected some wires and you got all the metall pieces you needed for this project. You helped him as much as you could. He sat at his desk on the other side of the room while you worked for your own. After 3 and a half hours you were almost finished.

You were attaching batteries to one of the light bulbs for the robot red eyes when Flug called your Name.

"Yes?" You turned around

"Could you come here for a second?" Flug asked as he made a 'come here' gesture.

You walked up to him

"What is it?"

He showed you a remote with a big red button.

"I-I placed a tracker inside the robots can detect other devices in the whole house. When we built the mind control device I placed a special chip inside it....This tracker will help us to find it. B-Black hat awaits us in 30 minutes in his office so there's still time..."

"Awesome! You are a genius Flug! Let's finish the robot and the we can start our search."

You placed the the fished 'eye' into the robots head and it's eyes started to glow.

Flug pressed the button. A display on the clones body popped up. It showed you a map of the house and you couldn't believe where you saw the device.

You and Flug looked at each other shocked.


Heya guys! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry but school is starting again and I wasn't able to update until today. Sorry if I made some typos. Thank you as always for reading and hopefully I will see you in the next chapter. Bye bye -Nina

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