Chapter 6

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Warning the beginning of this chapter is nsfw!

Black hat started to unbuckle his pants slowly.

Was he really gonna do this with you? Oh gosh

"Say y/n have you ever done it?" He asked teasingly.

You knew what he meant. You played it cool.

"I don't understand what you mean sir...." You shot him an innocent look.

He forcefully grabbed you head and pressen it on the desk you were laying on. You gaped and flinched at his sudden reaction.

"Don't play dumb with me, dear. I heard you. Many nights! Do not think you can fool me" he hissed in your ear.

"Y-you heard me?" Your eyes widened.

"Of course, I can hear you almost every night. Touching yourself thinking of your boss....your cute little moans and your wimpering drives me insane! You can't imagine how badly I want you~"

"Sir please I-"

You heard the alarmclock on your phone go off. It reminded you that your shift was over now. You sighed in relief. You were so nervous.

You glanced at Black hat who stared at you confused as he backed away from you a little.

"I-I guess my shift is over...I have to go now....I'll s-see you l-l-later boss"

You stuttered embarrassed and quickly got up from the desk. You hurried out of the office and left a horny and mad black hat behind.

"I always get what I want Y/n. Always" Black hat growled to himself as he watched you exit the room.

Phew that was close. He was right though, you did think of him while touching yourself....he's just so....ugh you couldn't describe it.

But you couldn't sleep with someone who just confessed to you, you needed some time alone, or at least with someone else.

You went to the lab. You wanted to keep your promise and softly knocked on the heavy steel doors. No reaction

"HELLO? Flug? I know you in there! I'm here to help you!" You yelled.

"Y/n....please go away...!" Flug answered hesitantly.

"Flug! hey what's wrong? I haven't seen you in a while. If it's because of the kiss...I'm not mad at you...let's talk this out"

Suddenly the doors opened and Flug stuck his head out.

"G-Go away! I don't want to talk to you."
He tried to sound mad but failed miserably. Instead he sounded really hurt.

"You sound like you've seen a ghost!" You said as you tried to cheer him up with a warm smile.

"No I haven't seen a ghost...but I've seen something else." He said coldly. This was so unlikely for him.

"What?" You said as you tilted your head.

"You and Black hat" he answered with a emotionless expression.

Wait, no he got this wrong.

How and when did he see you and Black hat?

"What do you mean... you saw us?" You asked shocked.

"I w-walked up to Bosse's room to ask him where to put the remains of the hero's corpse. As I k-knocked on the door,no one answered... so I peeked in. I saw you y/ could you let Black hat do something like that?
I immidiatly closed the door. I thought I could trust you! I thought that finally I found someone who likes me the way I am....that someone finally understood. But all these people always fall in love with HIM!"

He was crying. You couldn't take it. Slowly approaching Flug you started to hug him and patted his back.

"I'm so sorry Flug. I did NEVER mean to make you feel this way. Black hat and I....we didn't do it...I was so nervous I left the room before we could go any further . I swear we didn't do anything...I love you too flug but not like a my mean very much to me Flug....I don't want to lose you.

You guys stopped hugging. The docter wiped away his tears as he let you enter his lab.

You wanted to talk about this whole situation with him.

The two of you sat on the sofa in one of the little rooms which were connected to the laboratory.

There was an akward silence until you finally broke it.

"W-when you kissed me- I didn't know what to do...I- *sigh*"

"It's okay, don't worry...I don't know what got in made me feel so happy, you even liked me with my scars....I just couldn't express how thankful I was....."

"...I understand...I was so curious about you....I just want to know everything about you! We're best friend we should always tell each other the truth."

"Yeah, your right....then there's something I need to tell you y/ the morning I talked to Black hat....he said ...someone like you would never love someone like me....we got in an argument and I bet that I would win your love...that was stupid of me to say.....I should not talk of you like your some kind of object. I'm sorry..."

"I know...I heard you two talk ....its okay....I'm not mad at all...just flattered that you wanted to fight for me. That's really cute" You said and a giggle escaped your mouth.

Flug joined you and the two of you laughed for a few minutes before calming down again.

"I'm really glad we talked about this...I feel a lot better now" he said.

"Yeah me too...but there's still one thing I don't get....what did you mean when you said 'they always fall in love with black hat'" You turned your head in his direction to look at his eyes.

Flug looked away from your face. How was he gonna tell you this?

"You see y/n...Your not Black hats first a-assistant....he's got many different assistants before you. He.....s-seduced each one of them....and after that...they never showed up again..."

Your heart broke. You couldn't believe what you heard.

"So he lied to me!" You yelled, your eyes filled with tears and you covered your face with your hands. "The guy I really fell in  love with just uses me as another toy!? What the he'll is wrong with him? I thought that he really liked me!
What was I thinking....."

The warm, salty liquid streamed down your red cheeks.

Flug took your hand away from your face and gave you a reassuring look.

"Im sorry.....I don't want the same to happen to you y/n....your different from the others who came here! Your special! Your kind, loving and honest. You don't deserve the same fate. Please don't let him do this"

"Your right! I'm not stupid...he'll see"

I'm not a slut

Heya guys! First of all thank you for 1 k reads! I never thought anyone would be interested in my writing....This is so bad haha...I super happy and thankful for your support!

I want to tease you guys a little longer BUT DO NOT WORRY lemon chapter we be there soon! And don't worry you and Black hat will get together. I promise.
Thanks as always for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter, bye bye    -Nina

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