Chapter 7

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Days passed, you didn't show up to work for Black hat the last three days and it didn't seem to bother him...he never looked for you or asked if you were ok.

You felt betrayed, sad, lonely.

Flug sometimes showed up to check on you.

He gently knocked on the door to your room to tell you about his day and the new inventions he made.

Sometimes you went down to the lab with him but everytime you heard your boss you immediately walked back to your room.

You didn't want to see him. You still felt bad. Black hat wanted to use you! Just like he used every other 'assistant' before....

You hated him for making you feel this way. You hated how he thought about you. But the thing that you hated the most, was that you still loved him. You've really fallen for this guy....

You stayed in your room for hours, not wanting any company, not even Flug's.

you heard Demencia asking if you were 'ok' from the other side of the bedroom door.

You didn't answer though.

You sat in your bed, hugging your legs to your body.

You listened to silent, calming music to distract you from your own mind. Closing your eyes trying to concentrate on every sound and every little detail of the song

The music faded and the room was filled with silence.

The bad thoughts came back.

You couldn't take it.Your eyes filled with water.
You cried, letting the warm salty liquid stream down your rosy cheeks. Wiping the tears away with your sleeves you got up from your bed.

Now everything you had held in came to your mind. You looked at yourself in the mirror. Eyeing your body, your h/c hair, your e/c eyes they were red from crying and had dark shadows under them....Hiccups escaped your lips as you pressed yourself against a wall and slowly slid down on it.

I HATE MYSELF, I HATE myself so much for this. I hate my body and my skin. I just want to rip everything off.

You sat on the floor silently crying. Alone.

You heard a knock on the door.

"GO AWAY!" You screamed angrily.

"Aroo? "

It was.... 5.0.5.

You regretted yelling instantly, slowly you got up and opened the door to peek outside.

The blue bear stood in the hallway his big eyes curiously looking into yours. He was asking if you were alright.

"5 I-" your emotions overwhelmed you and you quickly ran up to 5.0.5 and pressed yourself against his warm, fuzzy belly.

His paws wrapped around your small frame and he patted your back. He softly whined into your ear, the little yellow flower on his head hung low.

He felt bad for you, he hadn't seen you in days!

You cried and cried while trying to explain to him what happened but all that came out were hiccups and more cries.

After a few minutes you stepped back and looked at his face and wiped some of your tears away again. His snout wrinkled a little and he sniffled.

"C-Can we t-talk inside?" it was so hard for you to talk. You stuttered and your hands shook.

He pushed you in the room gently, closed the door behind him and plopped himself on the bed next to you.

You told him everything. Everything that came to your mind. About your boss. About what flug had told you.

You explained everything to him as he slowly nodded his head. You couldn't care less about what he might think about you now.

"I still love Black hat, ....and ..even after apologising...... I feel bad for Flug....I kinda bro-zoned him....thats so weird! I feel like shit.......I just dont know what I was thinking.....he didn't mean to kiss me....he doesn't even have feeling for me. It just overwhelmed him....and-....." you breathed out shakily...

"I hate myself....for who I am....I loved working here...but why? Why did this happen? Everything was fine before! I wish everything could go back to the way it was...."

5 wrapped his big arm around your shoulders and squeezed you tightly. You closed your eyes, nuzzeling into his fur.

"Thank you 5....thank you" You wispered out sadly.

You were so tired and you drifted off to a deep sleep.

Opening you eyes again, you still felt warm. 5 was gone but he wrapped a blanket around you to keep you warm.

You smiled softly feeling a lot better. He was so good at stretched a little making some of your bones pop. Crying really helps sometimes. You felt a relief as if someone took a big burden from you.

I need to relax....I'll take a hot bath...

You went into the bathroom and closed the door behind you. Preparing the bathtube.

While you enjoyed the hot water which made your muskels relax and your headache fade away.

Meanwhile 5.0.5 stood in front of the closed door to your bedroom. Then something happened.......

He shapeshifted...into Black hat. Your boss shook his head.

"I've made a mistake" he said to himself.

"I need to fix this"

"She still loves me..."

" her too"

HEYA GUYS! Sorry it took so long but I was really busy the last week and yeah. I feel like I messed this book up....I wrote so much shit because I didn't know how to continue this...I didn't think anyone would read MY stuff. But still I'm super grateful and happy that you guys enjoy reading this. Thanks again guys! You are awesome. Have a nice day and I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye bye -Nina

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