The start.

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I walked into the room looking for Damon.. Where could he be? He sent me to get food and when I get back he's not here.. Oh well I'll eat all these tacos myself then (nom nom). I was eating happily, Gods most beautiful creation until I heard the door slam. I walked into the living room, thinking that Damon finally is home, but as soon as I stepped into the next room I felt someone pushing me against the wall. This person smelled exactly like a human would (but with a really nice perfume on.. It could be Victoria secret) okay back to the subject, this wasn't any ordinary human.. She was too strong. I noticed her grab a stake (She wants to kill me, but why?). I tried to get out of her grip but the more I moved the stronger she got. She brought the stake closer and closer to me.. Until I could almost see heaven... *dramatic pause*. I thought it was the end for me, but then someone came barging in grabbed the freakishly strong girl, pushed her up against the wall while her claws were unbelievably close to ripping into the girls skin. I bet your wondering who this mystery person is... She is Avery Marre Palvin.. The girl I regret calling my best friend.. The girl who broke 5 years of friendship just to be right...yup and she was standing right in front of me. Yay! I was interrupted from my thoughts by the girl saying " OMG! There are talking dogs too!"

Avery: "Listen bitch! We prefer the term Werewolfs.. Well beautiful, majestic, amazing...overall we are the best"

Girl: I'm getting bored here..

Avery: oh really.. Well then good bye! She said then snapped the girls head.. I looked at her with wide eyes

Me: did you seriously just do that?

Avery: what it's not like I killed her.. For now

Me: I had it under control. You didn't have to do any of that

Avery: what the fuck? I just saved your life the least you could do Is apologize!

Me: like you were ever so good at that!

Avery: fuck you.. I hope she wakes up, graves that stake, and sticks it inside of you with no regrets.. I know that's what I would do. She said as she stormed out of the house and left god knows where.

I looked at the girl on the floor and did exactly what Damon would want me to do...

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