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Avery Pov

I ran into Ashton's house...

His mom was sitting on the couch with a magazine in her hands

Avery: excuse me? Ms Irwin?

Ms. Irwin: oh hello..

Avery: have you seen Ashton?

Ms. Irwin: yes he's upstairs in his room.

Avery: okay thank you.

Ms. Irwin: no problem honey.

I ran upstairs and opened his bedroom door.

Avery: Ashton?

Ashton: oh hey babe...

I interrupted him

Avery: please don't call me that.

Ashton: sorry.. Are you alright?

Avery: we need to break up.

Ashton: what? Why?

Avery: I don't like you like that & I know you don't like me like that.

Ashton: what are you talking about?

Avery: I know you don't like me.. You like phoebe I understand.. I like Uhmm no one. I said proud of myself for that smooth save.

Ashton: you can't Avery you can't.

Avery: and why not?

We heard his door open then close, we turned around..

Phoebe: because if you do he's going to die...

I looked at both of them confused..

~ Megan's Pov~

I walked into the New coffee shop that's down the street from my house. I took in the strong smell of dark roasted beans and smiled.

I love coffee especially on a rainy day like today. I hate this weather.. But nothing can ruin this day for me. First of all, there's no school because of electrical problems & second I have a date with Calum! Ekkkk. He asked me two days ago while I was hanging out with Michael at his house. It was out of nowhere but I'm not going to complain and get into details about why. I sat down at a table near the window, watching the streets pile with adults Going to work, people walking their dogs, and kids running around. It mad me think about how my life has changed ever since I found out I was a which and that there are more people out there like me. I looked out the window one more time and saw an ambulance go by really quickly. I could have sworn I saw phoebe inside the ambulance through the window but that thought left my mind once I saw Calum enter the coffee shop.

Calum: Hey he said before he sat down on the chair in front of me.

Megan: Hi. I then felt my cheeks get really hot.. wtf all he said was hey.. Ahh!

~Phoebe's Pov~

We were in the hospital, not knowing what to do. I am beside Avery who looks like she is going to throw up. We talked to the nurse and she said we will be able to see Ashton in a few minutes once his parents get here and sign a few papers about him.

Avery: this is all my fault. Why can't I do anything right.

Phoebe: it's not your fault you didn't know.

Avery: exactly I didn't know! How the hell does someone not know that they are the reason someone else is still living.

Phoebe: okay but you did help him that's what matters. And that means a lot to me.

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