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Phoebe's Pov

I looked at my schedule... I have homeroom, then math Ugh why couldn't I have died at an older age because now I'm stuck in the 11th grade for the rest of my life which could be 100s and 100s of years.

I walked into the class and a paper ball came flying over to me. I grabbed it as soon as it was close enough to my reach. The boy who threw it looked at me surprised.

Phoebe: oh Uhm I took softball when I was younger.

Boy: "oh" he said still confused

I sat in a chair in the back of the room trying to stay away from all this chaos. I was really close to falling asleep right here until I heard a girl squeal. I opened my eyes to look at what was going on.

Girl #1: Hey Nash. I missed you over the summer

Girl #2: Yeah and Uhm I like your jeans

Girl #1: I like them more ( I really need to learn these peoples names)

Nash: Thanks girls.

He walked over to me and kissed me right on my lips. Yup, girls this one is all mine.

Nash: You don't know how happy I am to see the most beautiful girl in the world.. It might sound really cheesy, but I missed my girl.

Phoebe: Yeah that's really cheesy, but I missed you too

Once I said that he grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of his lap.

Phoebe: Rough babe Rough.

Nash:oh you like it.

I was about to respond, but Avery's voice was heard over the loud speaker.

Avery: Attention everyone! Attention!

Then another voice cut her off by saying. PARTY AT MY HOUSE!!

Avery: WOO!

Everyone In the class started cheering.

Nash: I guess we know what we are doing tonight. He said while looking at me and holding my hand in his.

Phoebe: Yeah. woohoo party!

I said trying to sound enthusiastic.

After a few minutes Avery walked In with some kid i didn't recognize

Phoebe: Hey babe who's that?

Nash: next to Avery? That's calum.. He's new. Him and his 3 other friends.

Phoebe: 3 other friends?!

Nash: Uhm.. Michael.. Ash.. Uhm Ashton and Luke!

Phoebe: where'd they come from?

Nash: I heard they came all the way from Australia but I'm not sure

Phoebe: well he is making a horrible choice by following Avery around especially on his first day.

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