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"Uh.. Klaus you have done a lot of terrible things that I can't forget "
"But those people deserve what they got . They tried to under mind me , steal from me "
" I don't know what to say klaus"
" your speechless ?"
" more like terrified "
" oh sweetheart don't be scared of me . I would never hurt you " klaus said turning Avery around so that he is face to face with her .
" then why are you targeting all my friends? " Avery shouted at klaus taking a few steps back .
" I can't tell you my plans love"
" Then how In the fucking world do you expect me to like you or feel any sympathy towards you when you are hurting everyone I care about most!! " Avery said gaining confident enough to scream at him .
" because you are just as bad as me , you enjoy the pain of others and you know that they aren't your family . You know exactly who is "
" I don't want them in my life klaus why do you keep nit picking at that . "
" I'm not going to let you lose your family like I lost mine "
" I'm warning you , don't talk to me like that . "
" OR WHAT KLAUS? You'll erase my memory , you'll get me pregnant , you'll leave me to die ? oh wait YOU'VE ALREADY DONE THAT !!! "
" how do you know about that. ?"
" don't worry about how I got my memory back . I was waiting for you to tell me the truth but I guess you haven't changed since we met "
" who told you ?"
*Rebekah walks in *
" I did Niklaus , I gave her the memories back "
" we agreed sistah that we wouldn't tell her a damn thing that she would live her life not knowing about any of this "
" how did you expect her to do that Niklaus when you are chasing her around , torturing her friends and sleeping with her "
" I know what I was doing Rebekah and I didn't ask you to meddle into my business "
" just admit you were wrong , that you are just doing this to cope with losing her "
" you are going to pay for this , I guess you haven't learned your lesson about going behind my back " klaus said threatening Rebekah
" no klaus you aren't going to hurt Rebekah " Avery said jumping in front of Rebekah with a tear running down her cheek .
" since I'm such a monster I guess I'll stake you in the heart first before I get to Rebekah "
" but that would kill me "
" precisely "
Klaus then walked over to a secret compartment near his bed and pulled out a stake.
" klaus fine kill me I don't give a fuck but I happen to know if you kill me you will never forgive yourself because yes when I got my memories back I saw you taking away my memory and me pregnant to your baby but I also saw why I was so madly in love with you . "

*Salvatore house*

"Hey phoebe what are you doing here ?" Stefan asked phoebe who was siting on the couch as he walked into the house .
" I'm just waiting for damon to talk to him , that key he gave me really comes in handy " she said playing with her hands
" what's wrong ? " stefan said sitting down next to phoebe .
" nothing I'm fine "
" don't lie to an older vampire " Stefan smirked .
" okay I know it's stupid but I kind of told Ashton I loved him and he didn't say it back "
" oh wow "
" So it is as bad as I thought! "
" no it isn't . He'll come around he just isn't ready yet and if he doesn't he is absolutely the stupidest guy I have ever known "
" so I don't have anything to worry about ? "
" not at all , trust me I know what I'm talking about ."
" thanks Stefan "
" your welcome "
There was a silence in the room when phoebe leaned in and kissed Stefan . Stefan broke the kiss
" I'm sorry Stefan I didn't mean to .. Wow i fucked up maybe I should go"
" no don't go please" he said getting closer to phoebe . He could feel her slightly shivering .
" I have been dying to kiss you for so long phoebe "
" Than kiss me Stefan . Kiss me "
" Stefan grabbed her face firmly and kissed her passionately . Stefan took his shirt off showing off his fit body . Phoebe took that as her cue to take her shirt off . She then quickly took off her pants and so did Stefan . She moaned as he kissed her neck roughly .
" are you sure you want to do this ?" Stefan asked her
" yes " She said trying to hold in her urge to scream by biting her lip .
Stefan pushed her to the floor and threw her last piece of clothing across the room . Phoebe couldn't contain her self any longer , she screamed stefan's name as loud as she could . Phoebe drew scratches on his back as he sweated intensely .
" ugh stefan yes !"

*Derek's loft*

" did you hear that ?"
" yeah .. Stay here Sam "
" well considering I'm half naked I will"
Derek gave Sam a smile .
" well darling I don't mind you showing a little cleavage " Kol said standing near the window of the loft
" Kol what are you doing here ? " Derek said angrily .
Sam put on pants and a shirt .
" uh hey nice to meet you I'm Sam ? "
" Mikaelson , Kol Mikaelson its a pleasure to meet you . Kol said after he kisses her hand .
" Sam get away from him!"
" I'm not going to hurt her lad , it's you I want "
"Uh what ? " sam said confused .
" well love me and your boyfriend have had an interesting past . He is the reason my mother is out to kill me and my siblings "
" that was her decision Kol , anyways didn't she die "
" if you didn't know my mother Is very determined to destroy her "devil like children" so she crawled out of hell and has created a plan to destroy us with the help of my ridiculously stupid older brother , Finn . "
" Kol please I don't fight anymore I have gave all that up ."
"Oh wow it's really funny to here you beg me , but I'm going to kill you until there isn't one piece of you left "
Sam was speechless and didn't know what to do .
" I think the term you are looking for is oh my god . Did I use that right ? I think I'm behind on slang . Haha ."
Kol then took out his fangs and smirked ready to get his revenge .

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