A Horrifying Past.

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Phoebe's Pov

I left Luke at Avery's house like 20 minutes ago and now I'm at sam's house waiting for her to get dressed because when I came in her and Derek were having... Fun.

Sam: okay what do you want?

I looked at her up and down.

Sam: we didn't have sex.

Phoebe: sure...

Sam: I have been dead for a long time let me have some fun.

Derek walks In putting on his shirt

Derek: well I have to go so I'll see you later

He said before kissing her.

Then Derek left.

Sam: now are you going to tell me what you want?

Phoebe: well.. I heard some things.

Sam: what?

Phoebe: can you please tell me?

Sam: ok should I know what your talking about?

Phoebe: I know you know things I don't.

Sam: oh shit you found out about Ashton. She whispered.

Phoebe: wait what?

Sam: nothing!

Phoebe: you just said something about Ashton.

Sam: nothing!

Phoebe: you know I care about him and think of him as a really good Friend so if there is something that's going to get him hurt your going to fucking tell me.

Sam: nothing!

I push her up against the wall tired of her denying what she said.

Phoebe: Tell me.

Sam: Fine! He's..in danger.

Phoebe: how?

Sam puts her arm up and pushes me off her with her ghost strength and power

Sam: i have little tricks too. And he's in danger because he came over here for you.

Phoebe: what does that mean? Why did he come here for me?

Sam: when you were little you hit your head really bad so your mom sent you to your dad's because she thought she couldn't take care of you anymore.

I looked at her confused because this was all new to me.

Sam: your dad lived in Australia. So you were sent over there.. He lived a few houses away from Ashton. You guys were pretty close.. You loved each other.

Phoebe: but how did I end up here?

Sam: you ran away. When you were 11.. & Avery found you while she was with her cousin. She took you in...

My eyes started to water while a question popped into my head.

Phoebe: and why can't I remember any of this?

Sam: because before you ran away.. You tried to kill yourself. You took these pills and they effected your brain.

I started sobbing.

Sam: so that's why you don't remember anything from when you were 9 thru 11

I fell apart.. I can't believe that all happened.. All this time I thought I was born here. That my parents died, but no I left.. My dad.. Ashton.. My life.

Phoebe: why did I leave?

Sam: your dad.. He-he tried to kill you.

Now I know that my whole life I have been kidding myself.. There is no point in anything anymore.. Happiness is the farthest thing from my Mind. I thought my dad was the only thing good in my life Other then Avery. I was told he died.. & that he loved me. It was all lies

Phoebe: Wha-WHAT? Why.. How?

Sam: he was crazy.. He was incapable of loving anyone.

Phoebe: is he still in Australia?

Sam: he was put in a mental facility..& he died there when he got in a fight with one of the other patients.

I couldn't take it anymore.. My heart was about to burst.. & I wanted to die right now because the pain felt unbearable. But I had to know more.

Phoebe: so Ashton?

Sam: he came over here because one of the originals went to Australia and compelled him, the boys, and their parents.. Telling them to move over here. Ashton's mind was different. The compelling didn't work on him.. But he went along with it.

Phoebe: why?

Sam: because he heard them talk about you & he decided he needed to help you. So when they came over here.. They found out he wasn't compelled, they tried to kill him & the boys... But they survived and killed a lot of them surprisingly..

Phoebe: and the boys? Do they know?

Sam: about supernatural creatures? kind of..

Phoebe: so they have been keeping this secret?

Sam: it haunts them..what do you expect them to do? They are just humans.

Phoebe: oh yeah.. Okay so does he know about Avery?

Sam: Ashton does .. That's why he's dating her..

Phoebe: what do you mean?

Sam: she stops the pain.

Phoebe: how?

Sam: she's a werewolf.

Phoebe: so I'm a vampire.

Sam: but Ashton didn't get compelled because powerful werewolves like Avery can't get compelled.

Phoebe: so Ashton's a werewolf?

Sam: No.. But every since the originals went to Australia to get the boys her powers have been helping him.

Phoebe: why him?

Sam: because he's your only hope.

Phoebe: only hope for what?

Sam: to live.

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