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Ashton's POV

I woke up, sweating more than I ever have in my entire life. Phoebe was next to me and looked concerned, but we weren't in the hospital, it looked more like a dentist's office.

Ashton: Where am I?

Phoebe: Somewhere were you're going to get better.

Ashton: Why did we leave the hospital?

Phoebe: They weren't helping you Ashton. They aren't nice, helpful people. I want you safe.

She started to shake and both her eyes turned, pitch, black.

Ashton: Phoebe, are you okay?! What the hell is going on?!

Phoebe: Don't worry about me. I'm here to help you. Hehehe. Here comes the doctor.

I looked at the man who was placing tools on a table next to me. I couldn't see his face.

Ashton: what are you doing? Who are you? Are you going to kill me?

Phoebe: Shh.

The man chuckles, picks up tweezers, and looks at me.

Ashton: Klaus. What are you doing here?

Klaus: oh Ashton didn't you here your girlfriend. I'm here to make you all better.

He pointed towards the door and the door shut. Then he pointed at me, mice appeared on my chest. I was tied up so I couldn't move to push them off of me.

Klaus: I know what your scared of Ashton & I'm going to use that to my advantage.

Ashton: I'm not scared of you! Or anything you try to do to me.

Klaus: oh really..? Sweet Sweet Avery do you mind coming in here for a moment

I looked at him, confused of what he was planning to do. Avery came in and stood next to him obviously frightened.

Claus: oh she's such a beautiful girl isn't she Ashton?

He grabbed her waist.


Claus: make up your mind do you want Avery or Phoebe..?

Ashton: Just leave her alone.

Claus: ok then.

He walked towards the door and left.

I tried to get out. But I couldn't.

Two minutes later he came back.

He had my mom in his arms.


I tried getting free again.

Klaus: Your mother likes it Ashton.

He started kissing her neck forcibly. She started crying. I couldn't help but shed some tears too. I couldn't help her.. I felt useless.

I woke up I didn't know where I was , but then I heard cries. I followed them until I got to in all too familiar room. It was phoebe's old childhood room and it's the day she tried to kill herself. I figured out what was happening so I ran Into the bathroom and she was passed out on the floor with a razor in her hand. I started crying when a little boy came in. He looked at Phoebe and feel to the floor next to her. He cried into her shoulder and was whispering " I'm too late.. I'm too late" It was me.. I was the little boy and I was too late to save Phoebe from killing herself. I can't believe this . I remember this day. I stopped her just in time. She fell asleep in my arms that day crying. I remember telling her everything was going to be alright , but not believing it my self. I looked at Phoebe lying on the floor . I saved her.. She can't be dead. I started to feel dizzy and everything around me was blurry. That's when I blacked out .

Phoebe: Ashton! Ashton! Wake up!

I knew she was shaking me but I couldn't feel it . My whole body was numb and for some reason my eyes wouldn't open. She continued to yell out my name . So I did the next best thing to wake up. I fell , right out of the bed I was in. She screamed.

Phoebe: Ashton! Wtf! How.. What.. AHH!

I didn't move. She tried to pick me up, But she failed because I was putting all my weight down. I smiled holding back my laughter. She must have noticed because she then used her vampire abilities and threw me against the wall. It hurt... A lot.

Ashton : ow! What the hell phoebe.

Phoebe: were you pretending the whole time.? Like I had a doctor in here. Your heart rate was going down. You were losing a lot of blood . You were screaming and crying. YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME ASHTON! I thought I lost you as stupid as that sounds.

After her whole rant I just hugged her and surprisingly she hugged me back.. For like a second. She then punched my arm.

Ashton: ow! You very violent and you have unbelievable strength. Which scares me because your not using you vampire power things.

Phoebe: well...

Ashton: and no I was not pretending.

Phoebe: Then what the fuck was going on with you..?

Ashton: This guy. He came into my room and gave me this pill. The pill was suppose to put me to sleep, but before it did he told me to tell you and Avery to stop looking for the originals or the people you love will get hurt.. Starting with me.

Phoebe: did he tell you his name. ?

Ashton: Klaus.

She looked at her feet and you could tell she was thinking of what to do.

Ashton: oh and the screaming was because he was controlling my mind.. He was creating my worst nightmare. Things that would kill me if they actually happened.

Phoebe: what things?

~1 hour later~

I told her all the horrible things that Klaus put in my head except for the last one. I don't want to put those thoughts in her head. It would be too painful.

Phoebe: let's go talk to Sam. She will know what to do. She always does

Ashton: You sound unsure.

Phoebe: No. We will get through this.

Ashton: let's hope so.

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