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Phoebe's Pov

My mind was replaying it over and over again. That he's a hunter and I'm a vampire. I can't believe that all this time I didn't know. I couldn't move, my whole entire body was numb. I felt like I couldn't even breathe and that I was going to die Right here. The pain I'm feeling is so hard to forget, but it's even harder to remember happiness. I wish I was invisible... So no one can notice me hurting.. I have always been the type of person to be strong & help others. So for me to be literally breaking down in front of the girls is unusual. I hear voices coming from my left.. One voice says we have to go. Or they will kill us all.. Another voice replies by saying I can't leave her.. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing she died because I didn't wait for her.

Once I heard that sentence i started running beside the person who said the comment that basically just saved our lives, Avery.

We stopped until we thought we were safe, but we were Wrong. Slowly hunters started getting closer to us so we ran into the woods. We stopped at a lake.. Not any other lake, the lake me and Nash shared our first kiss. When I noticed I felt my heart start aching. Stop it heart.. Can't you just be normal and pump blood. Avery knew what I was thinking about because she knows about this lake so she hugged me while I cried harder then I ever have into her shoulder. Then we heard someone talk

Nash: babe?

Phoebe: yeah it's me

Then his beeper got louder the closer he got to me notifying him that there was a supernatural creature near him.

He looked up at me with tears in his eyes

Nash: what are you?

Phoebe: I'm a vampire.

Nash: and you never told me?

Phoebe: I mean do you just expect me to walk up to you and say hey Nash I'm a vampire.. See you in P.E?!

Nash: no I expected you to tell me so that I didn't have to waste any more time with a disgusting vampire.

Phoebe: excuse me?!

Nash: I can't believe I kissed one of you. Now I'm going to have I get checked by a doctor to make sure you didn't give me rabies.

Phoebe: seriously? Nash?

Nash: I want you to know that if I knew that you were a rodent I wouldn't have said I loved you ever.

My heart sank.. Because of his comment I can't believe the guy I love actually would throw away all we had for on little thing he didn't like about me. It hit me really hard, but we had no time to for me to reply because we heard one of the hunters scream " Nash did you catch one?" Which I'm pretty sure was his uncle. We all started running

Nash: I'm telling them about you and your friends. Your all going to die! He screamed. I turned around and looked at him.. right when we caught each others eyes, someone shot him. I wanted to run to his side and rush him to the hospital.. But i held myself from doing it. I saw a figure by a tree with a bow and arrow in their hands.. That was the person who killed Nash (wow such a Katniss move).

~10 minutes later~

We were almost at Avery's house when I just couldn't take the pain anymore , I fell to the floor and cried not caring that we were in the middle of the street. Avery kneeled down on the floor and hugged me while the other girls looked at me concerned

Phoebe: I can't believe this. All along he hated who I was. It hurts, it's hurts so much

Avery: I know i know.. But it's over now

Phoebe: yeah but only because he's dead. Oh my god he's dead!

Avery: it's not you fault Phoebe.

Phoebe: Of course not.. I'm glad he died and I hope he rots in hell.

Sam: wow you moved on pretty quick

We all laughed and I stood up, and walked into her house. Once I opened the door I heard a voice calling Avery. She walked to where the voice was coming from and we followed her. We gasped when we saw the sight in front of us

Isaac: HES DEAD! HES FUCKING DEAD! He said crying.

Avery: WTF! How the hell did this happen? She said about to break down.

Isaac: He went outside to throw the trash out.. And one of those fucking hunters killed him.

Avery: THOSE FUCKING ASSHOLES. If they decided to kill boy'd then we are going to kill every single on of them. Isaac nodded, happy to do that.

Avery glanced at boy'd then she Fell to the floor next to Isaac, he intertwined his fingers with hers while they cried into each others arms.

~20 minutes later~

Megan: where are you taking us Avery?

Avery: to the one person who can help us kill all those hunters.

Isaac: he has killed thousands of hunters before.. And has taught me all I know.

Sam: and where does he live exactly?

Isaac: a little bit west of the woods.

Avery: in a loft she said finishing Isaac's sentence.. ( Aww cute)

Phoebe: okay are we there yet?

Avery: actually yes.

We walked up to the top floor And Avery opened the door. Inside there was a man standing in front of a huge window

Avery & Isaac: Derek?

The man turned around and looked at us

Derek: nice to see you guys.. Wait Sam?

Sam: yeah.. Oh my god Derek it's you.

Megan: how do you know him?

Sam: he's my sons father.

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