Hormonal .

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Avery's Pov

I woke up to see white walls and a women beside me . The nurse .

Avery: hey . Uhm why am I here ? At the hospital ?

Nurse : you fainted ... And your friend brought you here .

Avery: oh phoebe ... Do you happen to know where she is ?

Nurse : yeah she told me she would be right back.. She needed to go check on another friend of hers that was in here.

Avery : fuck.. Luke . I said feeling my eyes start to water . Uhm it wouldn't be a big deal if I like went to go see my friend too. Right ?

Nurse : no you can go .. your okay.. Your friend just told us if you could stay here for a little while longer because she was worried about you.

Avery: oh okay thank you. I said getting ready to run to Luke's room.

I went to the front of the hospital and asked the lady what room luke was in. I had to say I was his sister so that she would tell me . Once she did I ran to his room bumping into many people on the way there . I opened his door & tripped . Oh my god ! Not now uncoordinated legs !

I looked up and saw Luke's mom looking at me with tears in her eyes .

Avery: oh my god I'm so sorry . I completely forgot that someone was probably going to be here especially his mom. I'll just go now . It's Uhm .. Yeah.

Luke's mom: it's okay sweetie it really is . I'll give you some time with him.. He should have the girl he is in love with near him.

When she said that I couldn't help but blush. I didn't say anything about it though .. I know it isn't true but it's nice to dream right ? .

Avery: thank you ms. Hemmings.

Luke's mom : call me Liz .

Avery : okay ms Hemmings I mean Liz shouldn't you be the one he sees when he wakes up .

Liz : sweetie I'll be back .. Just take your time . It's fine .

Avery: okay thank you.

She left . I looked at Luke .

Avery: hi! Hahaha😂 oh god ... Sorry I just I'm nervous . I have seen this in movies so many times and If I mess it up it wouldn't be fair to you or to your mom . Also I'm not good with speaking In front of people especially you Luke . I like you so much , Since the beginning and I know that i'm annoying and that being in my life comes with huge baggage but just being around you all the time sucks because I'm not even close to being anything to you . It shows that I'm not as tough as I say or act around other people . I hope your okay I really do. Not for me , not for Phoebe , not for the boys but for your mom . She doesn't deserve this to happen to her son .. Your her youngest Luke and she loves you so so much . I know you cant do anything about being unconscious and that this is hopeless . I shouldn't even be crying so much. It's not like I'm anything to you . This is just a crush ... Right ? I mean they happen all the time .. It's apart of being human . ~pause~ well that's the thing I'm not human ... Oh my god wow that was stupid . Haha . Oh and Luke don't worry your hair looks great still even when you could be dying . One of the many great things about you . Haha seriously how do you get it so nice . When you wake up you should really tell me your secret . And that hospital robe sure looks sexy .... I'm sorry I know I'm not funny . Just trying to lighten the mood . Hahaha ... 😂😂😂.. " I went from laughing to crying . Hormonal I know . *sniff.. Sniff*

I sat on the floor and scooted to the corner of the room . I pressed my knees against my chest and cried into my arms . I just Kept crying . I don't think I have ever in my life cried this much . I heard the door open but I didn't look up .

Michael: Avery ! It's going to be okay. He's fine !! I swear he is fucking fine .

Avery: how do you know that ? Look at him . If I loose him .. Id kill myself. This is my fault .

Michael: it is not your fault . He is fine trust me ! He's going to wake up !

Avery: it's my fault . I brought this stupid supernatural crap into your lives .. I ...

Michael : NO! Don't say that if it weren't for you we would be dead . Your werewolf powers were the ones who protected Ashton who protected us . You saved us . Okay so I fucking dare you to say this is your fault one more time .

I looked at Michael surprised that he screamed at me and laughed .

Avery: you trying to be serious Is so funny . Haha😂

Michael: *rolls eyes * whatever .

Avery: thank you. I hope he does wake up . I miss him so much.

Michael: we all do .

We then went into the siting room where we all hugged and comforted ms. Hemmings ... I mean Liz .

~ a few hours later~

Ashton : I hope ms. Hemmings is okay in there . By herself . *sniff sniff*

Phoebe : she is . She just needs time with him .

We then heard screaming from down the hall were Luke's room was .

We all ran completely ignoring the nurses telling us to stop.

We barged in and saw Luke awake hugging his mom .

He looked at us all and smiled .

Boy did I miss that smile .

Luke : well don't just stand there . Come give me a hug.

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