The person

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The blue paladin passes of the sound as a water leak from the nearby pipes as he continues to walk through the dark passages ways. He had finished his training and had decided to go for a walk, hopefully ending up in his comfortable bed. What he doesn't realize is that every step hes taking, the lights flicker off behind him. Something was following him. And it was soon to be apparent.

"Hello there."

Lance stops still, breath hitched as panic rises in his chest. He pivots round to see their leader, Shiro. Lance weakly smiles as his mind is attracted by the flickering lights behind. Shiro's arm activates, streaks of purple shifted together to make a bright glow.

"No! Shiro! It's me!" Lance cries out as he quickly dodges the man's arm. But then he's caught.

"NO! NOT MY CHEST!" He screams and the man runs towards him, arm extended.

And suddenly, Lance wakes up.

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