The healer

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It all happens in slow motion. The Galra shoots, laser bullet bursting through Lance's shining armor. Now, a flower of blood  is blossoming on his chest. Allura screams out, Kieth and Coran cry out too. Pidge and Hunk face away. Shiro takes out the solider. 

Lance sways a little, barely pivoting to face the others. His smile is weak, but still a smile. HIs body goes limp as he falls to the floor. Everyone is still. 

Then they freak out. Shiro falls to his knees and picks up the boy in his arms, sprinting across the entire castle to get to the medical bay. Coran and Pidge goes with him whilst Kieth and Hunk secure the hanger. The Princess walks towards a secluded area of the castle ship. Yes, the castle is a space ship. She walks to a beautiful room, labeled, 'King Alfors Quater'

Allura is, again, reminded of her fathers death 10,000 years ago. Opening the grand door, she is faced with a large room, golden plated walls and picture frames. Carefully, she lies her fathers bed, crying as she did. Lance had taken a shot for her. Why?

Shiro had unclasped Lances chest plate off and let it drop to the floor. Him and Pidge haul the boy into the cryo-healing pod after taking all of his armor off. Had they been to slow? Coran let the pod fill up with the fluid and they watched it freeze. 

Shiro and Pidge get changed into their normal clothing, placing their armor back

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Shiro and Pidge get changed into their normal clothing, placing their armor back. Shiro lean upon another pod, staring at Lances.

"He looks peaceful, i wonder if hes dreaming?" Pidge wonders aloud. Shiro joins him in that thought. Would he survive?

Quiznack, Shiro hoped he did.

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