The Impostor

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All the paladins meet in the control room, memories flooding back from last night. Coran focuses on the camera placed in the hanger bay. The lions stand proud, particle barrier protecting them from the Galra invader. After shoving on their armor, the paladins, accompanied by Allura and Coran, race down to the bay, meeting the impostor face to face.  

"Why hello!" 

The Galran man greets the seven like some good old friend. Kieth grimaces and activates his bayard, a red sword. 

"What buisness do you wish to bring?" Yells Allura, anger rising in her. Lance shivers and almost drops his bayard from doing so. Soon enough, a battle forms. More soliders arrive and it really begins. Shiro take a few out, using his arm. Kieth's anger raises as he slaughters each one.

Then Lance turns to face Allura. 

A Galra solider is advancing on her, gun raised. Lance cries out as the others take out he remaining Galra. The soliders takes his aim upon Allura.

But Lance gets in the way. 


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