It won't end...

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Lance was no longer sure whether he was alive or in fact dead. Slim, slimy fingers were prodded into his stomach, neck, back and legs every second he could remember.

All he could see was a skater boy. Thick black hair and pale white skin. Wherever he was now, Lance needed him.
Lances lips parted as he suddenly blurted out how much he wanted Kieth or Shiro. Or anybody for that fact. Big mistake.

Lotor grabbed at his throat, forcing him into the wall behind. The words coming from the Galras mouth were like a snakes venom and he flinched away with every syllable. With what energy he had left, Lance thrashed against the chains, screamed with all his might....

Yet no one came to save him.

Kieth pulled his duvet further up his bed, now covering his chest and neck. Allura had given strict orders to wake up early and track down the Galra ship. She herself wanted Lance back. She missed him like a son.
And that made Kieth wonder.

Did she feel guilt? After her father died she swore never to lose anybody, so was this a guilt trip?
And did Kieth really understand how much he wanted Lance back home?

Or did he want Lance in his arms, hugging him, nuzzling into his neck like a cold lion cub? With all these thoughts, Kieth fell into a troubled sleep.


And that's exactly what the lions did...

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