The ending

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It happens again. This time worse.
Say goodbye to your beautiful boyfriend, Lance

With that Lance cries out and throws his helmet across the training hall, surprised it didn't break. The voices had grown on him and had finally began to break him.
This caused the Paladin of Blue, to get kidnapped.

The lights and the noise startled everyone from their sleep and they sprinted to the control room with record timing. Little did they know, they were too late.
Upon watching the video footage of the lions hanger, they saw the imposter.

And witnessed Lance trying his damn hardest to fight. With no armor, Lance had to use hand combat, something he wasn't used to.
Just give up...

So, that's what Lance did. He listened and stopped, letting the masked galran to bind him by the arms and whisk him away. A perfect ending for a fairytale.

"Oh, blue paladin, you are such a wonderful creature!" Lotor slurred like a drunk man. Drunk off of love.
Lance was chained to the wall, metal eating away at his skin. He hung his head to avoid eye contact or any sort of abuse to his face. The boy no longer had his jacket or shirt and wasn't ready for the first blow.

Forcing his head upwards, Lotors hand was now under his chin, eye contact was made. This was the last thing he saw....

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