You thought it was over?

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Nah, this ain't over....

A few weeks after waking up, Lance was allowed to leave the hospital. No one had contacted any of his family, so the nurses made sure he was healthy enough to make his own way home.

They sky was a beautiful baby blue color and the summer sun made Lances skin glow. Looking up, he was reminded of the stars he spent hours looking at as a child.

A memory flashes infront of his eyes, like a bright light or something. He saw giant robotic lions, soaring through the mist of space.
Lance passes them off as a dream or a scene of one of his past drawings.

Lance took a detour, ending up at a skate park where he spent most of his days before the accident. A familiar black haired boy was going up and down the ramps like he was a proffesional. The tanned boy watching is awe yet the other didn't notice him, clearly having more fun.

Upon hearing the news, Kieths heart broke. Lance was put in a coma, after being repeated tortured by his father. Why Lance didn't tell anyone was still a mystery.
Kieths older brother, Shiro, had moved back home, along with his girlfriend Allura. They had to support him throug this tough period.

Kieth was alone for the first time in a while. After their parents died, him and Shiro were alone until he met Allura and the younger met Lance.

The beautiful, tanned Cuban who had a way about words, a shy personality, an amazing hand at drawing.
And the most enticing smile.

Lance waved at the skateboarder, to try and get his attention, which worked. Once he turned round, Lance only then noticed his hair was pulled into a tight bun.
Their eyes met in a moment.
Time stopped.
Kieth was still.
Lance was still.

Running. Kieth ran into the soft embrace of the elder, feeling like he's returned home. Lance pushes his nose into his black hair, the sweet scent of coconut overwhelming him.

Lance was okay! He is here, in his arms. And he is never letting go.

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