The day of the star reader

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Shiro walks into the dining area to find all the paladins, except Lance. Hunk has layed the table and know they had to wait for the Princess and Lance. 

Allura soon comes in, still no lance. She sits down and realizes what she forgot to say.

"Lance is resting for today. I cannot tell you why but im sure you understand."

Pidge sighs and for once, its not Shiro who yells. Kieth stands up, chair scraping back on the floor.                                                                                                                                                                                     "Why! We dont get to rest!" Kieth cries. 

Lance doesn't sleep whatsoever, despite what the woman had previously said. He just led on the bed and stared at the ceiling which Hunk had covered with glow in the dark stars oh which they had found in the middle of a random planet. He heard people walking around outside his dorm until a faint knock on his door made him flinch. 

Allura listens out for Lance to let her in, and he does let her. Lance looks behind her and sees Kieth and Shiro walk past, they dont see him though. The woman sits with Lance and hugs him tight. He doesnt understand why until the alarms start blaring.


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