The voices

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Lance couldn't tell the others about the voices in his head. They would make him flinch and pull him away from his concentration in training. 

Training today was the worst. They had to fight a bot that Pidge had modified to have Shiro's arm feature.

Lance. Don't listen. They're not saying anything important. Why would they even need you to listen.

"Lance, you're up first."

Lance looked at Allura, complelty fazed and confused. She sighed and asked him to walk down to the training hall. He had also forgotten his bayard. So when the bot activates his arm and begins to walk towards him, he freaks.

"Umm,, I dont have my bayard! ALLURA STOP IT" 

Panic rose in his chest and he started to shake. Sobbing he watched as the bot adavanced on him, and the voice came back. But this time, his mind changed the bot into Shiro.

Shiro is attacking you. Your idol and crush is going to kill you.

Lance screamed and fell to his knees, clutching his head in his hands. He felt sick as he realized he couldnt breath normally. He cried out for it to stop, not processing that the bot had been deactivated. All he can see is Shiro, aiming to kill him.


The team had raced down to the training room and paused to see Lance, panicing. No one knew what to do, except Shiro. He knelt down a few paces away from Lance.

"Lance, its me, Shiro. Can I get closer to you?"

Lance barely looked up and quickly nodded. Shiro moved forward and sat crossed leg right infront of the boy. Lance shivered and started to convince himself Shiro was nice. 

"Lance. Am i allowed to touch you?"

Lance flinched and nodded after a while. Shiro took a the boys hand and placed it over his chest, telling Lance to breathe with him. The older one barely broke contact with Lance, scared he worry the child. 

>Lance? My paladin, the black paladin is on your side.<

"Lance, I love you"

Shiro gets pushed to the floor by Lance, who's hugging him tight.

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