The love of one lost.

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(I'm sorry these are incredibly short!!)

The sword impaled Kieths body. His perfect skin now flowered with a rise of blood. No one could cry, speak or whimper. It felt finished.
Lance felt lost, like his memory had been erased. His body lay on the cold, damp floor like some discarded clothing.

Shiro felt angered. He's lost a brother. Another one due to a battle.

Kieth watched as memories flash through his face. What was happening?  

Anger, hatred, lose built in Lance and despite his already weakened body, he stood straight. And ran full force at Lotor, taking him to the floor, allowing Shiro to take him out.
This was the end of the Galra empire.

Lance dragged himself over to Kieth, who was lying, cold.
It wasn't fair....

"You were my skater boy..." He whispered an laid on the dead boys chest. Some people would call him a man, being jetted into space whatnot. No.
Kieth was a child. Only 18. He'd been taken away from earth, taken into space and fighting to save the universe. 
Lance was a child. Only 16. Pidge was 14. Hunk was 16. Shiro was 20.

They were only children, thrown into a galactic war. Only children, witnessing horrendous death.
Then and only then did Lance realize the horrible nightmare that was his life.
Lance cried and cried until there were no more tears.

That's when Lance woke up, in his hospital bed in Cuba.
A nine month coma

The end!
I'm sorry if I made you cry. My next story will be on GOT7 or BTS

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