The damadge thats been done...

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The blue paladin had cuts like claws across his torso in every direction, splitting open with every breath he took. His jeans had various blood stains and another liquid they could not identify.
His jacket had been delicately laid over Lotors "thrown", like a hunters dead animal skin.
His face was clear, except his pained expression and loosely opened eyes.

As he spoke, everyone tensed.
"K..Kieth? You w..were that s..skater boy r..right?"
Kieth immediately dropped to his knees, the sworn falling beside him. No one had any more words.

Until Lotor arrived.

Lasers were flying everywhere. This battle would end here. The Paladins of Voltron were together again, even if they couldn't all fight.

But no one saw the sword flying towards Kieth.

But everything fell silent, the lasers, the Galra and the Paladins as they watched in the middle of the battle field...

Kieths body drop to the floor like a doll.

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