The dreamer.

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Lance bolts into a sitting position, blankets tangled around his head, hair stuck to his face with sweat. The nightmare had left the paladin shaking and scared. Slowly, he patted his chest and waited to feel his heartbeat. He lowered his arm once he felt the constant thumping of the organ. 

Shoving on the nearby t-shirt that had been previously flung on the floor, Lance stumbles into the connected bathroom, staring at his reflection. His stare was ice cold, sending shivers down his spine. The blue eyes reminded him the ocean, back on earth. Beautiful layers of blue swirling together to make one, azure color, that the sun beams usually bounced off of. 

Lance slowly made his way to the control room, where he spent most of his nights gazing upon the stars. It made hims feel human again. He didn't when flying around between the tiny balls of fire.  And neither did he feel like the hero he was made out to be. Lance wasn't heroic in the slightest. Yeah, he'd smile, flirt and laugh to the others, but they didn't know it was fake. They didn't see the nightmares he would, and they didn't see this constant pain. Lance didn't feel at home, let alone loved. 

The castle's slight buzzing was the only sound to be heard, except Lance's soft breathing. He stayed there for hours into the night, until a familiar sound broke it the silence. The boy froze in fear as the footsteps got louder and louder until he heard the 'fwoosh' of the door opening.


It was the Princess. How did she know the paladin was there. Lance peaked round the corner of the control panel, looking at the beautiful woman. She was wearing a long, pastel pink dress and a night gown. Her long, silver hair flowed over one shoulder. Gradually, she made her way to sit beside the brunette, smiling as she did so. Without even thinking, Lance moved to lay his head on her shoulder. Allura put her arm round the younger one, gazing out at the stars too.

"So this is where you go at night. I often hear you walk past."

Guilt rose in Lance, fearing that he had awoken the Princess. Tears built in his eyes as he looked at the women, dead in the eyes. Softly sobbing, he allowed Allura to hug him, slightly rocking him as she did so. Suddenly, the lights of the castle slowly faded on, signalling dawn as space had no distinct day and night.

"Go and get some sleep paladin, i shall inform the others of your rest." She whispered, helping the boy up. He nodded and walked towards the door.

"Allura," He says before leaving, "may i call you Mama?" 

The princess smiles happily and nods. Lance felt his heart warm up instantly and he stumbles back to his room. 

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